Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Marcus stared at Rafe for several seconds, and Rafe couldn’t help but see the clear look of tired patience. Rafe had always been the type to just jump into something, while Marcus and even Bel liked to take things slowly. Examine a thing or decision from every possible angle.

“I’m not opposed to them in the least. I think they would be strong additions to our family. They deserve to be a part of the Variks. We’d be honored to have them, but becoming a clan means others might join us. We need to discuss guidelines. Do we wish to become a large clan? Do we wish to have a central manor that everyone must live in?”

Rafe dropped his head back against the cushions of the sofa and sighed. “Details. That can all be figured out in time.”

“A central location means you must give up your penthouse as well.”

Rafe’s head popped up, and his eyes narrowed on his brother. He knew Marcus was just fucking with him, but it was a disturbing thought all the same. He’d lived on his own for a very long time, and he had no desire to stop now.

“You realize all my parties come with me wherever I move,” Rafe muttered.

“And what about Aiden?”

“What about him?”

This time it was Marcus’s turn to sigh as he squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Aiden would be the clan leader if we officially became a clan. Don’t you think he would like a say in all of this?”


“Nonsense. Of course he would.”

“No, I mean we can’t wait around for Aiden.”


Rafe jumped back to his feet, hating the queasy feeling swishing around in the pit of his stomach. “I love Aiden. He’s been an incredible father to us. He is a Varik. But we also have to take care of ourselves. I’m not opposed to him being the clan leader, but we don’t know what he wants now that Mother is gone. We don’t know if or when he’ll be back.”

Sure, Zelda had said he was coming back soon, but Rafe knew in Zelda terms soon could be tomorrow or fifty years from now. There was no point in mentioning it since Marcus didn’t put much stock in anything Zelda said.

“He needs us as much as we need him. I want to wait, give him the chance to have a say in this. It would also give me a chance to speak with Bel and Winter. I think they’ll agree with you, but they should have the chance to think about it as well.”

“I don’t want to wait too long. This needs to be finalized soon.”

Marcus rose and took a couple of steps toward Rafe. “Is something going on that you’re not telling me? Why the sudden urgency?”

“Just guilt, dear brother. This has waited far too long already, and I wish to have it settled as soon as possible. Even if Lola and Ryder spit in my face when I invite them to the clan, I need to know I tried to keep them safe. That I tried to give them the family they deserve.”

Placing a hand on Rafe’s shoulder, Marcus’s fingers squeezed, digging into tense muscles and offering an old comfort Rafe had not felt in a while. “They’re not going to spit in your face. And no matter what happens, your people will be protected. I promise.”

“Thank you,” Rafe murmured.

Marcus surprised him by clapping him on the cheek with his other hand and smiling. “I’m not accustomed to this serious side of you, my dear brother,” Marcus said in playful tones that were also out of character for him. “Is it this investigation weighing on you? Or has Arsenault been a positive influence on you?”

It was a struggle to make his smile carefree when Marcus’s words were so close to the mark. Philippe had been a positive influence on him, reminding him of responsibilities he’d not taken nearly as seriously as he needed to. But he didn’t want to discuss Philippe with Marcus. While he might be the one brother who was sympathetic and most understanding of his dilemma, the truth was, Rafe wasn’t quite sure what he would even tell Marcus. That he cared for Philippe? That for the first time in his very long existence, he felt trapped by his family rather than protected?

No, he didn’t yet know what he wanted from Philippe. His brain wanted him to claim that it was just a fling. That in a month or so, he’d be bored and they’d go their separate ways.

His heart was screaming that such a thing wasn’t possible. Philippe was becoming a part of his very soul.

But as long as they were part of two different clans, what other option did they have?

For now, he kept his focus on the people he could help, the things he could have in life.


