Sawyer Read online Samantha Whiskey (Carolina Reapers #2)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Carolina Reapers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 80203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

Then she cried out and pushed at my shoulders.

“Echo?” I immediately rolled to the side, my eyes flying to hers with worry as my hand fell away from her. Fuck, had I pushed her too far, too fast?

“You’re making this impossible,” she chided, pointing a trembling finger at me.

“I’m what?” I questioned, a laugh rising in my chest.

“Impossible,” she muttered, urging me to my back.

The would-be laugh transformed to a groan when her lips closed over my cock.

“Holy shit,” I hissed, my fingers sinking into her hair as she took me deep, sliding over me with a nimble tongue that swirled as I was engulfed by the heat of her mouth. She rose and dipped, adjusting to my size as she took me into her mouth again and again.

It was like being encased in a silk and velvet volcano—impossibly hot, and when she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked at me with each withdrawal, I had to fight the urge to come.

“Echo, you…” Fuck, she only sucked harder. “God!” I hissed. She had me so tightly strung that I knew it was only a matter of minutes.

If she didn’t stop, I was going to going to come, and I hadn’t come first since I was a fucking teenager.

I abandoned the silk of her hair and gripped her hips, swinging her with enough strength that she had no choice but to move until I had her knees on either side of my head. The sight of her drenched pussy above me was enough to send me right to the edge, but I held back.

“Sawyer?” she asked, releasing my cock just long enough for me to get a tenuous grip on my control.

“I told you what I would do to you if I had you naked.” I tugged her panties to the side with my fingers and then brought her pussy to my mouth. She was sweeter than wine. More decadent than bourbon. Headier than tequila.

This time my name was a cry on her lips.

I licked and sucked at her clit as she moaned above me, rocking gently as I worked her over. Her thighs trembled as I pressed my tongue against her clit, rubbing hard where she needed the pressure only to back off and leave her keening.

She took me back into her mouth with a moan that vibrated up my fucking spine until I was certain I’d see stars in a few minutes.

The pleasure of being in her mouth, and having her heat in mine, was almost too much. My orgasm was building, spiraling with tension, and I ate at her, voraciously determined that she beat me across the finish line.

I moved my thumb to stroke at her clit as I thrust inside her pussy with my tongue, stabbing into her over and over, until her muscles clamped and she released my cock with a loud cry.

Her muscles tensed, then locked around my head as I drove her higher, fucking her in the only way I’d let myself tonight. Fuck, I loved this. I was never going to get enough of her taste, her cries, the sweet tremble of her thighs.

“Sawyer!” she screamed as she came around me, her nails biting into my thighs.

Hell yes. Pure, primal, male satisfaction swept through me as I tongued her down from her high, stroking her until the shudders subsided and the aftershocks mellowed.

Then she sucked me deep, the flat of her tongue stroking my cock as her fist worked what she couldn't take.

My back arched at the sheer pleasure of her mouth as she pumped and sucked until I felt the impending orgasm rise uncontrollably.

“Echo,” I groaned my warning.

She didn’t let up.

“Baby, I’m going to come,” I tried again.

She took me even deeper, and when she lightly ran her nails across my balls, I lost it. I came hard, my vision tunneling as release took me over the edge.

My body shuddered as she took everything I had to give, gently swirling her tongue around me as I came back down.

I swung her hips around again, this time catching her torso and pulling her up against me. “Holy shit,” I groaned against her temple as she settled against my chest.

“My thoughts exactly,” she mumbled.

“Now what?” I asked, exhaustion beating down through the bliss. This couldn’t be the only time I got my hands on her. This could only be the start.

“Now sleep,” she instructed with a jaw-cracking yawn.

I moved us under the covers and turned out the light, then tucked her nearly-naked body against mine. My lips brushed over the shell of her ear in a soft kiss as we both drifted off.

I woke some time later. The clock read a little after four a.m.

She was already gone.



“What do you recommend that’s fried?” Sawyer asked, sinking onto the barstool in front of me.

“Long time no see,” I said, my skin instantly flushed with the sight of him.


