Secret Read Books Novels Online Free Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 99918 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 500(@200wpm)___ 400(@250wpm)___ 333(@300wpm)

“Please let me finish. I have something to say that your dad doesn’t even know,” Teri said, reaching for the tissues and handing some to Cate. Teri mimicked his move and pulled their youngest daughter in tight to her side. It didn’t go unnoticed that they had this enormous house, with this huge living room, yet they were all cuddled together in the corner, holding on to each other for dear life. “I told you that we were waiting to have this conversation until after Cate graduated from high school. I haven’t talked to your father, but I don’t see any of our short term plans changing. Getting you graduated and off to college is still my number one focus.”

Dylan nodded, immediately agreeing with Teri.

“Here are the additional facts you don’t know—I met someone a few years ago. Your dad knows about him and I’ve been seeing him. I know it sounds like a lot to take in, but it’s really not, because our base, this family right here, is so solid and our foundation and course are set.”

“You have someone like Dad does?” Chloe asked, sitting up a little straighter in her seat. “And Dad met someone, too,” Chloe added, trying to make Chad and Cate see the whole picture. He could tell they didn’t.

“So you guys date?” Chad asked, a little confrontationally.

“Not date so much as there’s one man for me and you’ve met him before at my office. When Cate graduates, I planned to introduce him into your lives with the ultimate goal of marrying him. It’s Mark. Y’all know Mark, remember?”

That had all the kids quietly staring at her, and Dylan’s heart broke a little in that moment. He could tell his children didn’t understand any of this.

“So y’all have this whole secret life?” Chad asked. There wasn’t so much disdain in his voice, just surprise with a bit of confusion.

“Let me finish. I’m almost done and then we can answer your questions,” Teri said, silencing them when it looked like Cate would jump in right behind Chad. “In the spirit of laying everything out there all at once with no more secrets, you guys are the first to know that I’m four months pregnant,” Teri announced, her voice growing quieter at the admission.

“You’re pregnant?” Dylan asked, shocked.

“I am. It wasn’t planned. I took precautions, and I honestly wasn’t certain I was keeping the baby until about a month ago. Mark doesn’t know yet.” Her hand went to rest on her belly.

“Wow. The plan had changed then. We were going to have to say something soon,” Dylan said to Teri.

“I wanted to wait until after Chad’s graduation. Look, guys, I know we’re dumping a lot on you all at once, but I honestly don’t know a set of children more well-adjusted and accepting as you three. And I speak for both me and your father when I assure you nothing has changed in your base. We will continue to always be your parents. We’ll always be there for you. We stand together—your dad is my best friend, and that will never change,” Teri reassured, making eye contact with each of them as she spoke. Teri’s nurturing voice was back, and she reached up to brush Cate’s hair out of her face. “I have some counseling ready to start for you guys to help answer any questions you’re uncomfortable asking us.”

They both looked at their children who all just stared straight at Teri. Dylan knew they had a lot to absorb. Chad had finished his final exams and currently coasted, waiting until graduation. They were in the final six-month countdown to Cate’s graduation, too. Would this jeopardize anything for her? Worse yet, would rebellion ensue?

“Nothing changes, guys. I’ll be here every day for you. There’s nothing we can’t get through because we’re a strong, committed family,” Dylan added, trying for reassurance.

“I don’t want you to be lonely,” Cate said quietly, staring at him before she looked up at Teri. “So are you and Dad divorcing?”

“We can’t until the baby’s born. It’s part of the state law, but we will after that. If I’m right on my calculations, the baby’s due date will be a month or so before your graduation.”

“So are you guys thinking of keeping things like they are? Or are you gonna move other people in our house?” Chad asked.

“Absolutely not, Chad. Things will stay the same for now. There won’t be any more secrets from this point forward. When we know more, you three will be the first to know,” Teri said. Chad was still tense in his arms, but hadn’t moved away.

“What would you guys do if you were us?” Dylan asked, wanting them to feel part of the decision and curious as to their thoughts.

“I can’t change schools right now. It’ll mess with my applications,” Cate said immediately.

“Honey, we would never ask you to do that. Our home base is secure until you all get settled in college—I promise, and even after that, you guys always have a place wherever your mom or I might be,” Dylan stated. Chad shrugged out of Dylan’s hold.

“What I think is that I’m graduating next week and leaving for college two months after that. Chloe’s going off to school. She barely lives here anymore. Cate needs to graduate, but you guys have been living a huge lie,” Chad stated very plainly.

“It’s not really a lie, Son. We’re a family. We love each other like a family does. That will never change,” Teri started, but Chloe cut her off.

“No, I get what he’s saying, Mom. Love is love. You should be with the people you love. Cate needs to finish school, but then she’s gone too. You guys need to be happy in your lives,” Chloe added to Chad’s words. His son was shaking his head in her direction.

“Right. And I’ve taken a lot of finance classes. It’s gonna take a long time to divide up Dad’s assets. And yours, too, Mom,” Chad tossed out when he realized his mistake.


