Secrets and Kisses (Blue Ridge Magic #2) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70014 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 350(@200wpm)___ 280(@250wpm)___ 233(@300wpm)

They were constantly doing that and they still couldn’t find several books that seemed to have disappeared.

Looking guilty, Kenzie and Lorne sighed as Kenzie decided he should be the one to apologize. “I’m sorry. Just don’t tell my Daddy on us and we’ll find the book. Promise.”

I could tattle on him to his Daddy?

Could I tattle on Lorne to Kenzie’s Daddy?

Oh, would that work with anyone in an interesting relationship in town?

Fines and frowns weren’t working, so another threat in my arsenal would be helpful.

“Alright. I trust you both.” I wasn’t sure how my newfound tattling knowledge could be put to use and I wasn’t sure they were the people to ask because their answers were confusing at best.

“Does that mean you’re not mad and you’ll come to play?” Lorne’s way of connecting everything back to the playdate conversation had me back to looking stunned stupid again.

“Yes, if he’s not mad, then he has to come play.” Kenzie was so sure about that he didn’t even bother to look at me.

“We should probably let him get back to work, though.” Alick seemed to be the only one who realized I was in shock and needed some breathing room. “Let’s go see if there’s any pie left at the diner. I’m starving and dinner is way too far away.”

As they waved and called out their goodbyes and left, I had to agree with him on the dinner being too far away part, but I’d been afraid saying that out loud would get me invited to snack time…and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

If just a library visit fried my brain, I wasn’t sure how pie in public would go.

Chapter 2


“You what?” I’d listened to the confusing run-through, but I wasn’t sure I’d heard it right. “You what?”

“You know, he’s got the same look as Mr. Librarian.” Kenzie was either trying to look cute or trying to drive me insane because he cocked his head and frowned at me. “Maybe that means they match and they’re meant for each other. Mr. Librarian did blush when we told him Boyd likes older subs.”

He was punishing me because I’d been logical about the problems he could’ve run into with his Daddy.

Was this because I hadn’t been able to drop everything at work just because he felt like pie the other day?

“I wonder if your Daddy knows where you’ve got that other stash of toys.” Leaning back in the booth, I lifted one eyebrow and didn’t bother trying to whisper. “I should take the time to get to know him more.”

“I told you that was going too far.” Alick shrugged as I turned to glare at him. “What? I’m not the one who’s supposed to be wrangling them. I was just there to make sure they didn’t overwhelm the librarian.”

They’d invited Stefan to the next playdate party.

He was new to the area, human, and possibly not kinky at all…and they’d invited him to play toys with the littles in town.

“We need better marketing.” Kenzie ignored how close I was to shaking him. “He didn’t realize that he didn’t need to know what kind of sub he was to come hang out.”


“Did he actually say he’s a sub?” Had anyone clarified that with him? “You can’t just go around assuming shy men are subs.”

That wasn’t how submission worked even if I was pretty sure he was a sub.

“I know what he’s reading.” Kenzie rolled his eyes. “He’s not vanilla.”

“That’s like saying because he read Lord of the Rings last month that he’s a fucking elf.” That wasn’t how reading worked and he knew it.

Lorne leaned his elbows on the table and sighed as he rested his head in his hands. “He reads grown-up books really fast, but he said he wants someone to read him fun younger books. It was so cute.”

I looked at Alick to see if the conversation had actually happened or if it was a figment of Lorne’s imagination.

“Really.” Alick nodded as Lorne pouted at my disbelief. “The actual conversation wasn’t quite that smooth. But he talked about wanting someone to read to him, and his body language said he agreed with those two when they talked about fun books and little stuff. He might not be able to talk about what he’s curious about but he liked the idea of being read to.”

“Did he say he was coming to the playdate?” I was still unsure about how much to take at face value.




And I was right back where I’d started.

Staying focused on Alick because he seemed to have been the only one paying attention when they’d gone to talk to the librarian, I sighed. “Please explain.”

When Kenzie opened his mouth to complain, I glared at him. “I’m polite when people aren’t trying to deliberately fuck with me. You keep it up and I’ll tell your Daddy that you’re angry at me for trying to watch out for you.”


