Shameless Puckboy (Puckboys #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Puckboys Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 83542 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 418(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

Only when I pull up out the front of my house and jog up the stairs to the entrance, the door swings open like Lane had been waiting for me that whole time.

It’s just gotten dark out, so I’m a little late, but the porch light is on, so I can see every contour of his face. Where I’m expecting anger or disappointment, I’m met with … something I can’t decipher because I don’t think Lane has ever looked at me like that before. Like he’s genuinely happy to see me.

I don’t like it. It’s weird. So I throw on my cheeky smirk, put up my hands, and say, “Hey. I promise I only did half of the things you didn’t want me to—”

I’m taken off guard by him slamming against me and practically bruising my mouth with his. His tongue forcefully enters my mouth, and my dick is already hard. I have no idea what this is about, where it’s come from, or why he’s doing it when he can’t be sure what I’ve been up to the last couple of hours, but I’m not going to stop it to taunt him.

Sex is definitely more fun than taunting him. I mean, it’s borderline, but shutting up is the smart way to go.

He pulls me inside, and I kick the door closed behind me. We don’t part as we stumble through the house, discarding my shoes somewhere along the way. My T-shirt goes next and then Lane’s.

He tries to break free of me, but I’m not ready for that yet. I tighten my grip on his hips and hold him against my raging hard-on.

“Get naked for me and bend over the back of the couch,” he murmurs against my lips because I refuse to stop kissing him too. Well, until now.

I pull back, and that’s when I notice the lube and condoms on the kitchen counter. “Mm, someone’s desperate for me. Someone had a plan for when I got home.” And fuck, that makes me feel all warm inside, just the thought of Lane waiting for me with anticipation building and the intention of taking me as soon as I walked through the door. Maybe even worried about when I’ll get here.

Why is something so domestic making me feel more cherished than any grand gesture from all those rom-com movies?

Ever since hitting it big in the NHL, my life has been that shiny dream most people could only wish for. Hockey gave me money, the notoriety, and the means to do whatever I wanted whenever, so my everyday life has been anything but … normal. And for the first time ever, I get a glimpse of what actual couples do.

I’ve never understood the appeal of it. Until now.

I do as he says and strip off the rest of my clothes and bend over the couch so my ass is sticking out.

It feels like an eternity for him to get the supplies from the kitchen counter. I look over my shoulder to see him standing a few feet away, condom already rolled down his thick cock, and he’s covering himself in lube while staring at my hole.

“Hurry up,” I whine.

His brown gaze meets mine, his lips quirking at the sides. “And when have you ever been in charge of what we do in the bedroom?”

“We’re not in the bedroom.”

Lane steps forward and smacks my right ass cheek. “Don’t be a smart-ass.”

My cock leaks at the sting on my skin and the growl in Lane’s voice. “But when you do that, it only makes me want to talk back more.”

There’s another whack on my other side this time, and precum lands on the back of my couch. Thank fuck I was smart enough to get leather. I can’t wait to paint it with the load already simmering in my balls.

I want release.

Lane presses his cock against my stinging ass while one hand grips my hair tight and pulls my head back while he uses his other hand to dip lubed fingers down my crack to tease my hole.

All the nerve endings around my ass fire, sending sparks of want down my spine and into my feet. My hips move on their own, rubbing my aching cock against the back of my couch.

His hold on my hair tightens as his fingers breach my hole. He doesn’t even start with one but two. I love the pain, crave the sting, and he’s giving it to me everywhere. My ass, my hole, my hair. It’s so hot.

And then he leans in close to my ear and says the one thing that can make this hotter. “Oops. I forgot to close the blinds that cover the front window.”

I look and almost come on the spot at the sight of the bare window and headlights as cars drive by the house.


