Sheriff Daddy – Yes Daddy Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27306 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

“I know I keep saying it but thank you, Sheriff. I mean Luke.”

“You’re welcome.”

I watch her walk up the stairs and know I have to trust my instincts. She’s the target. Why wouldn’t she be? She’s the kind of prize money can’t buy and is more precious than any treasure. I know for certain that when this is all over, I won’t be able to let her go.



The light streaming through the curtains sets my heart pounding, and I jump out of bed in a panic.

I scramble for my phone and groan out loud when I see that it’s almost noon. Nana has a very strict schedule that needs to be adhered to without exception, and thanks to the commotion last night, I screwed up on the first day.

Remembering that I left the handsome sheriff downstairs, I toss on a baggy t-shirt and shorts and race out my bedroom door. The door to Nana’s room is ajar. It shouldn’t be and now my panic moves to another level.

I race into the room and slide across the vacant floor. Not only is my Nana missing, but so are her bed and her medical equipment. How is it possible that I slept through all of this?

I take the steps two at a time, nearly missing the last step and landing on my butt. There’s no one on the sofa, but I hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. I peer in to find Sheriff Luke standing next to a sink filled with soapy water. Nana is seated at the table, sipping on a glass of orange juice.

“Why did you let me sleep? She needed to take her medication.”

“She did take her medication. She also had her oatmeal and, as you can see, orange juice.”

“But how…?”

“Lori, you have a notepad filled with step-by-step instructions. I merely followed them.”

“And you moved her out of her room too?”

“Well, you mentioned wanting to move her down here to avoid potential accidents on the stairs. That bed is bulky. I didn’t know if you had anyone else to help you.”

I turn and look through the door of the first-floor bedroom. He’s placed all of her things neatly inside.

“You didn’t have to do that or any of this. It’s my responsibility.”

He stops washing the dishes and dries his hands on a towel. He steps toward me, and I feel a little tingle crawl up my spine.

“Listen to me. It was no problem. You were up all night and needed some rest. How can you possibly help your Nana if you can’t keep your eyes open?”

I take a moment to consider what he said and he’s right.

The truth is that by the time I finally got to sleep, I was exhausted. I was already running on sleep deprivation mode from the trip and unpacking. Then, with the break-in and the police coming, I was wiped clean. If I had only slept for an hour or two like I had planned, I would have been a walking zombie.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it very much.”

“It’s my pleasure. Now, why don’t you chat with your Nana for a little while? I can make you breakfast or lunch.” He checks the time on his watch. “Then, I’ll take your statement. How’s that sound?”

“You don’t have to…”

“How do you like your eggs?” He ignores me and smirks. “Sunny side up? Scrambled?”

“Scrambled, I guess.”

I sit down beside Nana and place my hand on top of hers. “Did you sleep alright, Nana?”

“I think so but I’m still a bit tired.”

“How about you finish up your juice and you can take a nap after your next pill?”

“That’s good, dear.” She nods toward Luke who has his back to us. “I like your boyfriend, Lori. He’s very nice.”

I start to correct her, but I don’t think she’ll even remember the conversation later so I just let it go. Having Luke as a boyfriend isn't a bad thing either. I just doubt that a scatterbrained teenager with an ailing Nana is his type.

He’s got that rugged kind of handsome thing about him, like a television cowboy or war hero, and he’s very kind. A combination like that can’t be easy to find in a man. I bet some beautiful, sophisticated woman has nabbed him up already.

He serves me eggs with toast and a side of bacon. “Juice or coffee?”

“Let me pour my own drink at least. Keep spoiling me and I might never let you leave.”

“I wanted to talk to you about that. I don’t feel comfortable leaving you ladies alone right now. So, I’d like to stay here until we catch this guy.”

I nearly drop the bottle of orange juice when he says it. Of course, I want him to stay, but by letting him, I might just be setting myself up for a major disappointment.


