Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“That I wanted you again?” I laugh while he rolls over and puts his hand over my stomach.

“Go away,” I tell him.

“I should have said the same thing when I woke up and you were riding me.” He laughs as he gets up off the bed, walking to the bathroom.

“Your cock was up.” I raise my head. “And you didn’t exactly shove me off.”

I hear him laughing as he comes back to the bed with a wet cloth for me.

“I’ll never shove you off.” He kisses my lips, and my phone rings.

“Shit,” I say, getting out of bed and running down the stairs for my purse at the door. “It’s my brother,” I yell at him as he watches me naked from the top of the stairs.

“Hey,” I say, answering the phone.

“Hey there,” he says. “What are you up to?” he asks me, and I look around to see if maybe there is a camera.

“Nothing, just reading the paper,” I say, walking up the stairs. “Why?”

“Nothing,” he says. “Jack is still here, and Zack has to pick him up and Allison thought maybe you could get a ride with him and come for a late lunch.”

“Oh.” I look up at Zack. “Have you asked Zack if he minds picking me up?”

“No, not yet, but he’ll be okay with it,” he says. “I have to go. I’ve got to call Zack. See you later,” he says and hangs up the phone.

“My brother,” I say to him as his phone rings, and he picks it up.

“Not much. Is Jack okay?” he says to the phone, coming over to me and bringing me into his arms. “Oh, yeah, I can get her on my way there.”

I kiss under his jaw. “Yeah, I’ll call her now and figure it out.”

He disconnects the call and throws his phone on the bed. “Your brother would like me to pick you up so you could spend some time with your niece and nephew. What do you say we take a shower?”

“I have to go to my house and change before we pick up Jack,” I tell him as he picks me up and kisses my neck, and I forgot what I was going to say, I forget where I am; the only thing I know is that I’m with him and that is where I’m meant to be.

The shower starts out with hot water, but by the time we’re done, it feels like a cool lake. I dress in his team t-shirt with his name on it and my jeans when we make our way over to my loft. He comes in with me and follows me into the bedroom, sitting on my bed while I change out of last night’s clothes.

He’s wearing plain blue jeans and a black sweater, and I stop and watch him. His eyes follow me as I walk to him. He opens his legs, and I lean down to kiss his lips. I could never tire of kissing him. “If you keep that up, we are going to be very, very late,” he says, and I just nod at him and turn toward the closet, grabbing a pair of yoga pants and a sweater that is loose and falls off my shoulder. I pin my hair on top of my head. “I’m ready,” I say, walking out of the closet. He stands up and comes to me, leaning down and kissing my shoulder and then my neck. We hold hands as we walk out of my bedroom and out of the loft.

I get in the truck and lean over to kiss his neck, holding his hand while we drive to my brother’s house. My phone pings, and I look down smiling.

“What is that smile for?” he asks, and I look at him, his aviator glasses now on him.

“Vivi was asking if you were a grower or a shower?” I laugh at the text.

“I mean, Vivi did say you would probably be hung but ...”

“You discussed my cock with Vivi?” he asks in shock.

I roll my eyes. “Vivi discusses every cock,” I tell him, then lean over and kiss his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the details to a minimum.”

“I don’t know if I should thank you or not.” He laughs, and I giggle myself when we pull into Max’s driveway. “Stay close to me,” he says right before we get out of the truck. “I know I can’t hug or touch you, but I still want you close.”

I smile at him as my chest fills. “Okay,” I say softly and get out of the car; our fingers graze each other when we walk to the door. I open the door, walking in and taking off my jacket. After I hang it up, I grab a hanger for Zack.

He’s about to lean in and kiss me when we hear Max. “Hey, you two.” Zack almost flies back away from me.


