Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“So what do we do now?” Denise asks, intertwining her fingers with mine.

Liliane leans back in the couch. “Now we go and grab a slice of pizza and wait for her to bury herself even more.” She looks at Denise and then back at me. “Putting an NDA in your prenup was genius. Not many people do it.”

“My parents were the ones who added that,” I tell them.

“Well, I’m going to send her lawyer a copy in case she didn’t bring him up to speed.”

“Do we need to tell her about Jack’s treatment?” Denise asks, and we both hold our breaths.

“Nope,” she says. “The funny thing is she just lost everything that she asked for. It’s almost like it becomes null and void, and you don’t have to give her a damn thing.”

“Will she fight me for Jack?”

“I want to say no, but chances are, she might try just to get some money out of you.”

Denise shakes her head. “Incredible,” she says, and for the rest of the talk, I listen while watching Denise.

The lawyers take their slices of pizza and leave, and it’s just the six of us sitting around the living room. “Well, so much for easing into this thing,” I tell Denise.

“You should have seen Max’s face,” Allison finally says, laughing as she looks over at her husband as he sits with his daughter sleeping on his chest.

“What were you guys doing in the city?” Denise finally asks them.

“Max thought Alex would like to visit American Girl.” She gives him the side-eye. “My car is filled with dolls that she will never play with and more clothes than even I own.”

“She’s not even two,” Karrie says, and Allison just shakes her head.

“You had to see her smile,” Max says. “She loved it.”

“She would love a paper bag and a plastic spoon,” Matthew says.

“You’re one to talk,” Max says. “Don’t you have your manicures done?” He laughs. “Weekly.”

“Okay, you two,” Karrie says, getting up. “We have to get going.”

“I’m exhausted,” Allison says, getting up and going to walk up the steps to get Michael.

“This house has to have a potion on it,” Karrie says. “Everyone who moves into it falls in love.”

“Vivienne should move in here,” Denise says.

“Are you kidding? She would burn this place down,” Karrie says.

Allison comes down and tells us that the two of them are sleeping. “Leave him here,” I say. “I can drive him back home tomorrow.”

“I’m going to the game,” Allison says, “so bring him there.”

“I’m coming also,” Karrie says, and I just look at them. “Us Stingers ladies stick together.”

I nod at her and get up, walking everyone to the door. When it’s just the two of us, I look at her. “Did you want to go home?”

“Are you kicking me out?” She smiles at me.

“Never,” I say, walking to her. “But I also know that today was big, and I’m okay if you want alone time to get your head together.”

“If I leave, it’s like she wins,” she says. “She doesn’t get to determine if I come and go.”

“Well, if that’s the case, you should move in tomorrow.” I smile at her and kiss her neck. We turn and walk in the house, turning off the lights and falling into bed together.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“What is that?” I ask, opening one eye as I hear a distinct noise.

I feel Zack at my back, and he rises beside me. “Is that knocking?”

“I think it is,” Zack says, getting out of bed and putting on a shirt. “I wonder what it is now,” he says, walking out of the door.

Michael comes into the room, jumping into bed with me followed by Jack. “Auntie Denise, you snore,” Michael says, laughing. I look over at the two boys lying next to me on Zack’s side.

“It could have been Zack,” I tell them, and they both shake their heads. Zack comes into the room with a smile on his face.

“So my parents are here,” he says, and my heart stops, but Jack gets up and yells.

“Grandma and Grandpa.” Jack jumps off the bed and looks over at Michael. “Come see my grandpa.” Michael follows him as they run out of the room.

“Oh my god,” I say, throwing the cover off me. “Your parents are downstairs?” I run around the room, trying to pick up all the clothes piled on the floor. “I need you to take all my clothes and put them in the spare room.”

“What?” He laughs. “Why?”

“So they don’t think we slept together with Jack in the same house.”

“Baby,” he says, coming to me and grabbing the clothes in my hands. “Your stuff is going to stay here in my room, where you are going to be sleeping when you are over.” He kisses my neck. “Breathe.”

“How long have we been up here?” I ask him. “Go downstairs or they will think we are getting busy up here.”


