Stay Tonight (Kincaid Brothers #3) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kincaid Brothers Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82265 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

“Do you like them?”

“I love them!”

He smiles. “That’s why I was in your spare bedroom that day. I stepped in to get a few measurements. Mindy found me there. That’s what you saw.”

“You were making sure the shelves that you were making me would fit?”

“Yes, and no.”

“Now I’m confused.” I laugh as I blink away my happy tears.

“That’s why I was there, but Mindy interrupted me, and I didn’t get a final measurement.”

“Oh, well, do you think they’ll fit?”

“I’m sure that they will, but on our way back to my place this morning, something else came to mind.”

“These are perfect. I don’t know how you could make these any better. I love them. You welded them, right?”

“Yeah. The frames, then cut and stained the wood for the shelves.”

“I love them. I love you. Day. Made. I got my guy and my library.”

“Hold that thought. Come back to the house with me. I have something else to show you.”

“It’s not going to top this, Tank.”

He chuckles. “Come on.” Again, with my hand locked in his, he leads me back into the house, this time to the basement. “So, this area is unfinished.”

“I know you’ve been meaning to do that for a while now. Did you finally decide what you want to put down here?”


“Are you going to clue me in?” I ask, laughing.

“I think a storage area here.” He points to where a box holding his Christmas tree is sitting. There are a few totes that I know are ornaments and decorations because I picked them out when he bought this place.

“That’s a good idea, for sure. Hide it all away.”

“Yeah, and then over here, I was thinking a pool table, a bar, a big-ass sectional and a big screen, or maybe a projector for when my brothers come over to watch games.”

“I like it.” I nod, picturing the layout in my mind. “All good choices.”

“Then, over here, I thought we could build you your library. Wall-to-wall bookshelves, a comfy chair, or one of those big-ass bean bag chairs you showed me not long ago. We can paint the area and hang lights on the shelves, and well, it can be anything you want it to be.”

“You want to build a library for me at your house?” I ask, my love for this man overwhelming me.

“Our house.”


“Move in with me. Before you say no, let me get this out. We eat dinner together every night. The last couple of months, we’ve both had some long nights apart, but if we hadn’t been in the avoidance stage, we would have still had dinner together. No matter what plans I make, I consider you, and if you’d want to go, before I make them. We spend all our time together, and now our nights too. I want you in my arms every night, Alyssa. I want this. I want us.” He pulls me close, locking his arms around my waist. “Build a life with me.”

I nod because I can’t speak through my tears. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kisses me softly. “I know it’s fast, but my love for you has been building for years, and I know you are who I want forever with.”

“So, you want me to stay tonight?” I ask. My mind is racing. We’d have to put my place on the market, but we can use the money from the sale to redo the basement. I can see it, the life we’ll build here together.

“Every night from now until forever.”

“Let’s do it.” I smile.

“Fuck yeah!” He lifts me off my feet, and we spin around, both laughing. Our hearts are full, and our love is strong.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.” I wave at the screen of my camera on my phone.

“Hi, sweetie. Where are you?”


“Really?” Mom squints. “Did you and Sterling trade couches? I swear that looks like his.”

“You’re good, Nancy,” Sterling says, leaning in so my parents can see him. He waves.

“How are you, son?” my dad asks.

“Never been better,” he replies, smiling at them.

“What are you two up to?” Mom asks. “Something’s going on.”

“I told you, I was just sitting at home.”

“You’re at Sterling’s?” she asks, no doubt working it out in her head. I see the moment it hits her. “You’re moving in with him?” she asks cautiously.


“Does this mean what I think it means?” Mom asks.

“If you think it means that I’m madly in love with your daughter and asked her to move in with me, then yes, that’s what it means.” Sterling just tosses it out there as if we’re discussing the weather.

“It’s about damn time.” My dad laughs. “I told you,” he tells my mom. “I knew they would work it out on their own.”

Sterling tugs me into his arms and places me on his lap so that we’re both in the frame without either of us needing to lean. He takes my phone from my hand and holds it up since his arms are longer than mine.


