Stealing Cinderella Read online A. Zavarelli

Categories Genre: Angst, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 94782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

“Sorry,” I murmur again, scurrying away quickly.

Out in the hall, my racing heart calms as I place one foot in front of the other, putting as much distance as I can manage between Thorsen’s room and myself. I repeat the name of the label on the glass bottle under my breath a few times, committing it to memory so I can look it up later.

As I venture closer to the main area of the house, I notice a difference in the brightness around me. Natural light floods in from the windows, sparkling off every surface inside. When I reach the kitchen, I’m surrounded by more white. The cabinets, the island, the dining table, and chairs… everything is white. It’s beautiful but empty. There’s no sign of Thorsen or Calder, but there’s a set of French doors ahead that lead out onto the terrace. And from where I’m standing, I can hear the gentle lapping of water nearby.

Suddenly, I’m questioning if we’re even in a house at all. Is this just a huge yacht? I remember Lavinia mentioning something about the royal family being fond of their yacht. But no, this can’t be. I would have felt it moving. And I would have heard the water outside my window if it was right beneath me.

“There you are.” Calder pokes his head around the French doors, his eyes roaming over me with a casual interest. “We’re eating outside. It’s a beautiful day. Come join us.”

I follow his lead, squinting into the sunlight as I step onto the terrace. It becomes apparent right away that we aren’t on a ship at all, but the house is perched on a hill, overlooking the bay. It’s stunning and surreal. A slice of Norwegian paradise.

Thorsen is watching me carefully as I venture toward the table, taking in my new surroundings. I feel off-balance and uncertain. He hasn’t dictated the boundaries of my newfound freedom yet, and I suspect that’s because of his brother’s presence. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t unwritten rules I still need to abide by.

“Take a seat.” Calder pulls out a chair for me, and Thorsen watches our interaction with an intensity that makes my stomach flip.

“Please, help yourself.” Calder gestures to the spread on the table, with a heavy variety of meats and cheese and rye bread.

I opt for one of the lighter options, yogurt, and muesli, along with a handful of odd-looking berries I haven’t yet been able to identify. Meanwhile, the men fill up on smoked salmon and bread.

“No salmon?” Calder holds the plate out to me in offer, and I shake my head.

“I’m a vegetarian.”

Thorsen pauses, glancing at me with an odd expression, and it almost looks as though he’s irritated I revealed this information to his brother. He’s been serving me meals that include meat, and I’ve just been leaving it on the tray. Either he hasn’t noticed, or he didn’t think to ask.

“Ahh, I see.” Calder sets the tray aside with a nod. “I can appreciate that.”

We eat our breakfast in silence, quietly gazing out over the water. Thorsen’s estate includes a private beach as well. There’s a path leading down to it, and I absently wonder if he’ll ever allow me to explore that area when Calder interrupts my thoughts.

“My brother was just telling me about your arrangement.”

My eyes widen when I look at Thorsen for confirmation. He doesn’t give anything away as he continues to chew, his jaw working while he harpoons me with that steely gray gaze.

“What about our arrangement?” I ask cautiously.

Calder leans back against his chair, draping an arm over the side as he turns to meet my eyes. “Thorsen and I don’t have any secrets. He tells me everything.”

His statement is resolute, but the tension radiating off Thorsen is palpable. I don’t think it’s as true for him as it is for his brother.

“So, he told you that he kidnapped me?” I challenge, feeling brave for a moment.

Calder arches a brow at me. “Is it really kidnapping if you agreed to stay? I don’t think you’d still be here unless you wanted to.”

I see. So, they are both fucked up.

Regardless, I can concede that he has a point. Thorsen told me I had a choice. Maybe I just didn’t want to accept that as a fact because it was easier to believe I was here against my will. Otherwise, I’m just selling myself for three thousand pounds a day.

The yogurt in front of me suddenly doesn’t seem so appealing, and when I push it aside, Thorsen seems to take issue with it. Frustration seeps into his features, but before he can say anything, the same housekeeper from his room appears.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your breakfast, Your Highness.” Lisbet’s eyes dart around nervously as she speaks as though she’s about to throw herself onto a grenade. “But Hayes has called several times for you this morning, and I’ve been instructed to tell you that if you don’t return his call now, he will be making an appearance himself.”


