Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“I’m sure you’re right,” she whispered back. “But look—Torella and Lornah are getting in. I don’t see how it could be harmful since they’re going into it as well.”

“I guess you’ll have to use your own judgment, then,” Chain said doubtfully. “Just be careful.”

“I will.” She smiled briefly and stroked his cheek. Then she bit her lip uncertainly. “Well…I guess I’d better get in.”

Chain remembered that she felt self-conscious about her curvy body, though he couldn’t see why.

He stood and offered her his hand. Victoria took it and he helped her up and pulled her close.

“Would you like me to help you out of your gown, Professor?” he murmured, looking her in the eyes. “It would be my very great pleasure.”

“Oh…I guess so.” Blushing, Victoria waited while he slipped the gown off her, leaving her completely naked. She bit her lip when she saw him watching her. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

“Because you’re so Goddess-damned beautiful. I can’t help myself,” Chain growled hoarsely.

He couldn’t help staring—couldn’t help drinking her in. Gods, she was so gorgeous it made him ache. He just hoped she would be all right in that weird purple water.

“Come on—I’ll help you into the pool,” he offered, holding out a hand to her. That way at least he would be close by if something happened.

“Oh, well…all right.”

Still blushing, Victoria allowed him to hold her hand as she stepped down into the pale purple liquid. It moved sluggishly around her, like oil, but didn’t seem to offer any harm other than the fact that it coated her skin quite thoroughly. It didn’t seem too deep either—it came up to her shoulders but stopped there and it appeared to be the same depth everywhere, which was good.

Professors Lornah and Torella were already lounging at the far end of the rectangular pool, their heads tipped back and resting on towels their students had placed on the edge to act as cushions. Chain decided to do the same for his little Elite.

Taking one of the fluffy blue towels from a stack at the corner of the pool, he placed it on the marble edge of the pool for her to rest against as she relaxed with the other two women.

“That’s good, Lorn,” Professor Lornah said, as her student adjusted the towel under her head. “Just the right position. Now run along and don’t hover. I’ll let you know when I need you again.”

“Y-yes, P-professor,” her student murmured. “I’ll f-f-find the nearest f-food prep station and m-make you a s-snack.”

He beckoned to Chain to come with him, but Chain wasn’t going anywhere until he was absolutely certain Victoria was all right.

“My Lady?” he murmured, forgetting for a moment to call her “Professor.” “Are you well settled? Is everything all right?”

Victoria had piled her hair on top of her head and was relaxing against the towel he had placed for her. She opened her smoky green eyes for a moment and looked up at him. There was a warm, contented smile on her face and Chain thought she looked perfectly relaxed.

“I’m fine, Chain,” she murmured. “In fact—more than fine. I don’t know what this stuff is but it feels amazing. It’s like all the tension drained right out of me the minute I got in—my muscles are like Jell-O.”

Chain didn’t know what “Jell-O” was but she seemed to be safe and enjoying herself. Thinking that this was a good time to go scouting around the house, he nodded and said, “Very well, I’ll be listening for your call.”

“You do that,” Victoria murmured dreamily. “I promise to call you when I want to get out—if I ever do. Right now I feel like I could stay in here forever.”

“Very well, my Lady,” Chain said again and left to see what he could find out about the huge, sprawling house while there was an opportunity to do so.

Chapter Twenty-five

“This stuff is amazing—it makes me feel so good,” Vicky murmured, as the luscious pale purple liquid lapped against her skin. It was like soaking in liquid valium, she thought. It made her feel relaxed all over.

“That’s the magic of the vexpa oil, my dear,” Professor Torella murmured in the same dreamy tone Vicky had used. “It promotes total relaxation and lowers the inhibitions.”

“It’s also very good for firming up any ‘problem’ areas,” Lornah remarked. “Like under your arms, beneath your chin—anyplace that sags, won’t anymore after a dip in here. I swear, Torella,” she continued. “This pool is the only reason I keep coming to spend time at your domicile. I rather detest you otherwise.”

“I know,” Torella said with a dreamy laugh. “That’s what makes you so amusing to have around—you’re one of the only people I’ve never been able to win over. I really am a lovely person, you know—but you’re just too horrid to make friends with anyone.”


