Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

Instead of Chain standing there, she saw Kat and a woman she didn’t recognize—a very pregnant woman—about her own age.

“Oh, uh, hello, Kat,” she said, pasting a facsimile of a smile on her face. “It’s so nice to see you again. And who’s this?”

“This is my good friend, Lizabeth,” Kat said, as Vicky ushered the two of them into her house. “I thought you might like to meet her.”

“Well, hello, Lizabeth.” Vicky shook the pregnant woman’s hand. She was mystified as to why Kat would come all the way down from the Mother Ship to introduce her to a new friend, but she didn’t actually mind. Lizabeth seemed like a friendly person—at least from the way she smiled and nodded—and Vicky was an extrovert who liked meeting new people.

She ushered them into the living room and got them settled on the couch before offering coffee or tea. The living room was looking better than it had—Vicky had replaced the drapes—though she could only afford cheap ones—and gotten a throw rug to put over the greasy spot by the bookcase, so at least she wasn’t ashamed of it.

“No liquids for me, thanks,” Lizabeth said, smiling painfully. “I’m in my fourth quadmester with twins right now and one of the babies is sitting directly on my bladder. Anything I drink runs right through me and you can’t imagine what a hassle it is to use the restroom right now.”

“No, I can’t,” Vicky said honestly. “Did you say your fourth quadmester?”

“Lizabeth is mated to a Twin Kindred,” Kat explained. “And all Kindred pregnancies take an entire year, not just nine months.” She shook her head. “Believe me, it’s completely miserable towards the end. Although Lizabeth has it easier than I did—I had to carry triplets for that long.”

“Hey, nothing about this is easy,” Lizabeth protested. “It doesn’t matter how many babies you’re carrying—after a certain point, you just want them out.”

“Well, I didn’t have to carry either of my girls for a whole year but I certainly remember reaching the stage where I was ready to get them out of me,” Vicky said politely. Though inside, she was wondering what in the world Kat was here for and why she had brought her pregnant friend. “Um, can I ask why you came, Kat?” she said, hoping it didn’t sound too rude. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but—”

“Not rude at all, doll,” Kat assured her easily. “I came to bring you this.”

She opened her purse, brought out a thick envelope and handed it over to Vicky.

Vicky opened it and was shocked at the amount of money she saw. She looked up from the stack of hundred-dollar bills and stared at Kat blankly.

“What’s this?”

“Your fee for going on the mission to Priima Belle to get the T’lix-Kruthe, of course,” Kat said. “Sylvan was going to transmit it directly to your bank account but then we realized we’d forgotten to get that information from you when you were up on the Mother Ship. So I offered to bring it because I wanted to see you again and have you meet Lizabeth.”

“Well, this is way too much!” Vicky protested, trying to give back the envelope. “I mean, I didn’t even do that much and Chain told me he was only going to be sure I got half of the fee. Surely this is more than that.”

“It’s the whole fee,” Kat acknowledged. “Chainor wanted you to have it all—he specifically requested it.”

Vicky’s heart throbbed at the mention of the big Kindred and she couldn’t help thinking that she would rather have him back in her life than all the money in the world.

“I can’t accept it,” she said again. “It’s too much.”

“Chainor said there was some damage done to your house when those awful Varians came to find the first half of the T’lix-Kruthe,” Kat said. “He wanted to be sure you had enough money to replace your carpet and your drapes and the window in your bathroom.”

“But this is enough for an entire bathroom and living room remodel!” Vicky protested. “Really, I just can’t take it.”

“Well, then maybe you should tell him that.” Kat arched an eyebrow at her. “I’m only authorized to bring it down to you—not take it back up again. Once the money leaves my hand, it’s legally yours and I can’t touch it again.”

“Kat’s right,” Lizabeth put in, joining the conversation. “I should know—I’m an expert on Kindred law.”

“Oh, you’re a lawyer?” Vicky asked, impressed. She knew a lot of people didn’t like lawyers but she’d had a helpful one during the divorce and she had been grateful to have him at the time. Without his intervention, Kevin would have left her with next to nothing.

“She is a lawyer but that’s not why I brought her down here,” Kat said. “Tell me, doll…” She leaned forward, her hands on her knees. “Why did you let Chainor go?”


