Sweet Conviction (Bad Boys of Music Row #2) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Bad Boys of Music Row Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 39300 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 197(@200wpm)___ 157(@250wpm)___ 131(@300wpm)

He pulls me back into his arms, breathing me in. "I'm going to pay off his debts."

"You don't owe him that, Dalton," I protest. "He tried to shoot you today."

"I know," he says quietly. "But he didn't try to shoot you."

I glance up at him and see the powerful current of emotion in his eyes.

"He had every opportunity, but he didn't take it. That's why I'm doing it, baby." He presses his forehead against mine, exhaling a soft breath. "I'm doing it because you're here right now, safe in my arms. That's worth any cost, Tempest."

"Dalton," I whisper, overwhelmed by the depths of his devotion. "I'll always be here, safe in your arms. You know how I know?"

He cocks his head to the side, studying me intently, waiting for me to continue.

"Because I know you," I tell him, my voice ringing with certainty. "You love me enough to keep me right here."

"No." He shakes his head, his mouth descending on mine. He hovers there, his lips a breath from mine. "I love you more than that, Tempest. I love you enough to believe you'll always be right here."

I sob against his lips, melting into him as the sweet conviction in his voice registers. He means it. For the first time, he isn't afraid of losing me, terrified that I'll be ripped from his arms and his life like his parents were because of something he's done or said. For once, that fear has been replaced by faith. In me, in us. In himself.

He knows I'm not going anywhere.

And I'm not. Not now, not ever. I'm his—his wife, his future. Wrecked and consumed by him, body and soul.



One Year Later

"Goddamn, boy," Gramps growls, rearing back as I practically launch myself through the front door directly into him. "You know you're too damn old to have to be told not to run in my house."

"Yeah, yeah." I grin, pushing the door closed behind me. "Where's my wife?"

"Where do you think?" He cuts his eyes at the stairs.

Of course. She's in the nursery. Ever since our baby girl was born two months ago, she has spent every free moment she has in the nursery. Truth be told, so do I. That tiny little girl is fucking perfect, exactly like her mama. She has my goddamn heart wrapped up in a vise so tight. I don’t understand how it’s possible to love something so small this much. And yet...I do. Christ, I do.

I turn toward the stairs, only to pause when Gramps opens the front door like he’s going somewhere. "Where are you going?"

"Out, boy," he growls impatiently, already sailing out the door. "Isn’t it your anniversary? Worry about your own shit, not mine.”

I shake my head, smiling as it clicks closed behind him. He’s probably off to harass Lena and Carver. The stroke didn’t slow the old man down at all. He’s a stubborn pain in the ass and always will be. But fuck, I love his cranky old ass anyway.

Things between us are a lot better. Don’t get me wrong—we still argue all the fucking time. But there’s no heat behind it anymore. We understand each other. For once, we’re on the same goddamn page.

I take the stairs two at a time, eager to see my wife and daughter. To hold them. That’s the best part of my day. Every damn day.

I stop short in the doorway of the nursery, my heart pulsing as I see Tempest cuddled up in the rocking chair, Tamara on her chest, a soft smile on her face as she hums sweetly.

Fuck, they’re so beautiful it hurts to breathe. And they’re mine. All mine. My wife, my baby. My whole goddamn world.

She’s so fucking happy. Not even the fact that Triton is still in jail dims the lights in her eyes. Nothing does.

And every goddamn day, I see that smile, and I know peace. Every day, I fall deeper in love with her. And every day, the idea that I could somehow lose her or that perfect little girl in her arms seems more impossible. I'm not afraid anymore. Of anything. I'd fight through hell, sacrifice my last breath, to keep them safe and happy.

They are my reason for existing. And I'll never let them go.

She glances up as if sensing me there, and her amber eyes lock with mine. Pure joy sparks in those gorgeous depths, and my fucking heart rolls over in my chest.

“Hey, handsome,” she murmurs, smiling sweetly.

I’m across the room in two steps, one hand curling around her jaw as I crush my mouth to hers. The other cradles our daughter’s tiny head. My entire body hums, lighting up like fucking lightning surges through my veins as soon as my lips are on my wife. Fucking hell. I’ll never get enough of her.

I pull back from her with a groan and bend to place a gentle kiss on Tamara’s perfect little head.


