T.A. Read Online Jamie Begley (Biker Bitches #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Biker Bitches Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78721 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 394(@200wpm)___ 315(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

In fact, he was so good that any doubt about his acting ability came back to smack her in the face because Dalton had brought her back to earth on the ride to the airport, saying little to no words on the drive and a brief good-bye before leaving her at the security checkpoint.

She let him get away with it then because she had an ace up her sleeve. She kept up her side of the bargain, and it was time for him to keep his. Five inches were forecasted overnight, and she was going to make sure the Grinch was coming in out of the cold to a nice warm bed. She even bought new sheets that were supposed to be velvety soft. Her landlord had even promised to get the heating fixed while she was at work today.

Sweeping the rest of the cut hair onto the dust pan, she went to the back to put it in the bin, then started to empty that to take it to the trash can behind the shop.

“If she doesn’t stop whistling, I’m going to kill her,” Crazy Bitch complained to Sex Piston.

She ignored them. “Did I tell you Dalton kicked those two fuckers’ asses?”

Sex Piston rolled her eyes, putting on her coat. “About fifty times. God, she’s got it bad.”

“No shit. Thank God, everyone cancelled their afternoon appointments and I don’t have to listen to this shit for the rest of the day.” Crazy Bitch put on her coat as they both gathered their purses. “What time is Dalton coming in?”

“He said he’d be here around six. I wanted to pick him up, but he rented a car.”

Giving Sex Piston the bank deposit, she grabbed her own purse and coat. “I’m hoping he gets here before the snow hits. I want to bring him by the club for a couple of hours. Are you going to be there?”

“Calder and I will be. How about it, Sex Piston?”

“Stud will be. I’m tired today. I feel like I’m getting a cold. Going to take it easy tonight.”

T.A. gave her a concerned look. Sex Piston was never sick. She was one of the healthiest people she knew.

“You should have told me. I would have canceled your morning appointments,” she fussed at her. “You need me to get you anything? I can run to the store and get you some juice—”

“I’m fine, T.A. I’ll have the weekend to get over it.”

“If you’re not feeling well, why is Stud going to be at the club? He should stay home and take care of you. I’m going to call him—”

“Don’t you dare. He doesn’t know I’m sick, and if he stays home, I won’t get any sleep. It’s just a cold.” Sex Piston opened her car door as Crazy Bitch got in her own car telling her to call her later.

“Don’t worry about me; worry about yourself.”

T.A. frowned at her. “I feel great. I’m not the one getting a cold.”

Sex Piston gave worried sigh. “If he breaks your heart, I’m going to kill him.”

“He’s not going to break my heart. He’s a good guy.”

Sex Piston just shook her head. “Just do me a favor. For once in your fucking life, will you think with your head and not your heart?”

Reaching out to give her a tight hug, she felt her friend drop her guard to return her hug before releasing her.

“If he gets around to fuck you tonight, make sure you text me how long his dick is. I bet Killyama Dalton’s isn’t going to break Stud’s record.”

Pityingly, T.A. started to tell her that Killyama had told her that Train’s was bigger but didn’t want to take Sex Piston’s bragging rights away. She would wait until her friend felt better, then tell her.

On the drive home, she fantasized just how the night would go, blithely ignoring Sex Piston’s advice. Going inside her apartment, she took her coat off, then had to put it back on.

“No!” Not tonight. She wanted the night to be perfect and didn’t want Dalton refusing to stay because her apartment was too cold.

Calling the landlord only to get his voice mail, she was blinking back furious tears when a knock sounded on her door.

She wanted to burst into tears when she saw it was Dalton.

“You’re early.” She was so upset she couldn’t appreciate how sexy he looked.

Giving her the same once-over she gave him, he came inside.

“What’s wrong?”

All the feelings she had been bottling inside since he had left her at the airport came out like floodgates being released.

“I wanted it to be perfect before you came here. The manager didn’t fix my heater. Now you probably don’t want to stay. You look so fucking hot, and I haven’t had time to change my clothes. I wanted to look hot too. I was going to fix dinner for you, and my apartment is so cold the meat hasn’t defrosted. I wanted everything to be perfect, so you would kiss me again.” Unable to hold the tears any longer, she continued explaining through them, “I missed you so bad, and you were so mean to me at the airport. You didn’t even kiss me good-bye.” She started to sob harder. “I wanted you to enjoy yourself, so you’d want to come and see me even when it’s not snowing.”


