Tame Me Read online J.L. Beck (Broken Heroes #5)

Categories Genre: Crime, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Broken Heroes Series by J.L. Beck
Series: The Rossi Crime Family Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80475 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

“I think my sister is pregnant,” she suddenly says. “I didn’t notice it until all hell broke loose last night, so I didn’t get a chance to ask her but the way she was cradling her belly, it looked like she has a little baby-bump.” A big smile paints over her features and I know she would be happy for her sister if she was right.

“You and Elyse are close?” I ask, even though I already know the answer just by seeing them together last night.

“We are… or I mean we used to be. I’ve always loved her… but more than that, I admired her. She’s always been such a free spirit. She’s the youngest of all us siblings and because of it my parents gave her a lot of slack. They actually let her go to college when she turned eighteen. Something that they wouldn't have allowed me to do in a million years.”

I’m about to ask her more questions about her family, realizing she’s never talked about her siblings, or her mother really, when we are interrupted by a knock at the bedroom door.

“Come in,” Sophie calls right before the door swings open. A second later Ivan walks in. He looks at me for a moment, as if he is trying to gage my mood before speaking and he’s smart too. I’m still a little upset about last night.

“Look Roman, I’m sorry about what I said last night. I wasn’t thinking. I just started talking and the words just came out.”

“Don’t be,” I shrug. It’s not like you were telling the something that wasn’t true.”

“Still, I shouldn't have said it like that and especially not in front of all those people.” Ivan sounds apologetic and that bothers the shit out of me because this whole thing is yet another reminder of how I fucked up by taking those fucking pills. I was selfish, so fucking selfish and I would never make that mistake again.

“Can we just forget last night ever happened? I’ll apologize to that Hero guy if it helps.” I can’t imagine making things hard for Sophie. If I’m going to be her boyfriend then I’ll have to make amends with Hero so Sophie can at least see and hangout with her sister. It’s going to really put a dent in my pride, but I can deal with it for Sophie.

“You will?” Ivan asks, eyebrows raised as if he can’t believe what I just said. Fuck I can barely believe it myself. Me apologizing to some asshole who picked a fight with me. If someone would have told me this a few weeks ago I would have laughed in their face. I wasn’t the type to be sorry, but I was learning more and more that being sorry didn’t mean I was weak.

“Hero is Damon's best friend and Sophie's sisters boyfriend. We need Damon and Xander on our side and of course I want Sophie to be able to see her sister and we can’t do any of those things if I have beef with the guy.” I’m not going to be the reason Sophie can’t have a relationship with Elyse, if that’s what she wants and listening to her talking about her sister, I’m pretty sure that’s not just what she wants but what she needs too.

“Well, I’m glad you feel this way, because that will make the breakfast we’re about to go to much more civilized,” Ivan tells me, almost sighing in relief and I kind of feel bad for all the shit I’ve done. I’ve caused him a lot of problems and yet he continues to stand by me.

“Lead the way,” I nod toward the door as I hold out my arm for Sophie. She loops her arm through mine, giving me a smile and together we walk downstairs. My stomach is knotted. I’ve fucked up so much in the last month…

Instead of leading us to the dining room, Ivan leads us to the back patio, where breakfast is already set up. Violet is chatting with her sister and Keira, while Xander and Damon look to be in some deep discussion. Elyse is eyeing Sophie curiously with a flicker of worry in her eyes and when I glance over to Sophie she looks at me with an unsure expression on her face. I know she wants to go over to her sister and the way she is looking at me is like a knife to the chest. She almost looks like she wants my permission to go and I’m not gonna have that shit.

“You go sit with your sister and please don’t look at me like this. You don't need my blessing to do anything I’ll never be that man, Sophie. I always want you to do what you want.” I smile and place a kiss against her cheek, making sure that she knows I mean it.


