Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)


She always sounds like she’s near tears when she’s excited. I dug the ring out of my pocket and flipped open the box. She didn’t need any more light than the one bouncing off the diamond to know what it was and I heard her breath hitch.

She threw her arms around me, taking me down and almost making me lose the ring in the sand, but I couldn’t fault her for her exuberance when I was feeling pretty much the same way. I wiped her tears and calmed her down, waiting until she stopped shaking.

“Give me your hand.” It was nothing like the many speeches I’d tried out, but I doubt any of them would’ve made the feeling I had when I slid my ring on her finger any better.

It was the perfect fit, something I’d worried about when I had it cut down to size. She spent a few minutes checking it out as best she could in the limited light before attacking me again.

All of this was fine. The sex we had there behind that rock was monumental to say the least and what we did to each other when we got back to the room hours later is nothing to smirk at.

But this morning when we woke up, when we finally left the bed that is, it’s like she’d become a whole other person. Don’t get me wrong, she was still my same sweet China doll, but it’s almost like the ring was to her what Wonder Woman’s cape is to the super hero. She became a little daredevil.

The first thing she wanted to do was go skydiving, first I ever heard of it. In my head this is the woman I’ve been doing everything but using a syringe full of sperm to get pregnant, and here she was saying she wanted to do this dangerous shit. No!

She didn’t like me telling her no and sulked for the better part of the morning. Next she decided we should take a balloon ride, which in and of itself is not a big deal I don’t think, but still, heights, insecure footing. No!

From there we moved on to water skiing and that was the final no, which led to her flouncing her way back upstairs to our room where she marched into the bathroom and slammed the door, locking me out for the last ten minutes.

Now I’m no fool. I know how she wants this game to end, but I’m not about to start down that road with her. First of all, since when is she into any of this shit? I’m all for trying new things, and these are all things I would probably have been okay with under different circumstances, but why does her every choice have to involve danger?


“Go away, I’m not talking to you.” As first arguments go this one is shaping up to be a doozy. I could always break the damn door down, but that might only scare her back into her shell. If I play possum and wait for her to come to me she might see that as me caving, which would only encourage her in her shit.

So I decided to zing her and get her over her snit. No doubt she’d thank me afterwards. “Lizzie…baby, when’s the last time you had your period?” Now mind you, I have a viable reason for asking her this question. I knew where I was going, but apparently her mind took a different route and all hell broke loose.

The door came flying open and a little firebrand came flying out. “Don’t you dare blame this on P.M.S. She pointed her finger and huffed at me.

“Wait what? Is that what this is?” I felt the bitter disappointment in my gut.

“Well, isn’t that what you were going to say?” Now I couldn’t tell her what I was really thinking because it might upset her, what a mess. “Uh, never mind, it’s not important.”

“But…” I could see that mind of hers working and knew when she got it because her eyes and mouth went wide at the same time.

She flew across the room for her bag. She dug through it for her phone and then scrolled feverishly through what I assumed was her calendar. “Oh…oh…Ohhhhh.” She looked at me and then back down to the screen and back again.

“Baby, it’s okay, breathe.” She shook her head as if to clear it and I reached her just in time to sit her on the bed. “Didn’t you realize?” She shook her head before I could finish the question.

“I lost track, everything was happening so fast and I never really paid much attention before because I didn’t have to and then….” I’m guessing all those times I threatened to do it had gone over her head.

“It could be something else. I read somewhere that a woman’s cycle can change if there’s a big change in her life, you know, like having sex for the first time. And since we’ve done it so much…”


