Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

I was on my way to the parking lot, still on my high, when I heard the noise coming from the other side of the school complex in the direction of the football field. I knew that’s where it was because I’d scoped it out earlier out of curiosity.

My heart started to race and I felt that excitement build as I got in my car and headed in that direction. I sat in the car for a good five minutes trying to talk myself out of getting out, but the pull was too strong. I won’t stay long I told myself.

Once I exited the car in the dark deserted parking lot I called myself every kind of fool, but still I didn’t retrace my steps and go home like a sensible person. It felt as though my feet had a mind of their own and they were calling the shots.

Still, with every step I told myself to turn around and go home, but I just kept moving forward, almost compelled it seemed. My steps slowed the closer I got and I started worrying about what I could possibly say if anyone asked what I was doing there. Were grade school teachers in the habit of going to high school football games? I have no idea.

I stood under the bleachers, in the shadows and away from the other spectators where I was most comfortable, and looked towards the field where they were practicing. Of course there was a line of high school girls, all scantily clad on the sidelines and more in the bleachers.

I tried picking him out among the boys on the field but I didn’t even know his number or what position he played. I knew he was the quarterback but had no idea what that meant. Not that that information would’ve been of much help. I have no idea what goes on in this game and had never had any interest until now.

Somehow I picked him out in five minutes though. It was his walk, that distinctive gait, and posture as he walked across the field. And when he removed his helmet I was sure. I haven’t seen anyone else with that wild mane of hair though others try.

As my eyes drank him in he picked up his head as if sensing my stare and looked right at me through the darkness. I took a quick step back but I’m not sure if I was quick enough. My heart raced and I suddenly needed to pee in the worst way, but I was frozen in place, afraid to move lest he catch me stalking him, almost.

I did get brave enough to take another peek and noticed that he was no longer where I’d last seen him. I stayed there much longer than I should have and left only when they were headed off the field. I walked hurriedly back to my car hoping and praying that no one saw me, especially him.


I knew it was her. I felt her somehow and found her in the dark when I looked for her, weird shit. I knew she stayed there the whole time I was on the field until practice ended and couldn’t wait for it to come to an end. Had she come to see me? Funny thing, until that moment I hadn’t once given any serious thought to whether or not she was really interested in me.

I guess that says a lot about the way my mind works, I was solely focused on my own growing feelings for her; but it was something to think about. Her seeking me out, if that’s what she’s doing, changes things. Maybe I won’t have to work so hard to get her to see things my way.

I ran off the field as soon as we were released and instead of heading to the locker room with the other guys ran after her. I guess in that moment I forgot to be careful, but she hadn’t given me any notice that she was coming and the opportunity was too great to pass up.

“Wait!” I ran past the line of hopefuls and jogged after her with my helmet under my arm. She stopped at my call, more like jerked to a guilty halt, and waited for me to catch up. Still with her head down!

“Hello!” I was looking down at the top of her head which she had hanging halfway to the ground. Her usual stance it would appear. I can’t believe how happy I was to see her, and if not for the darkness and her bent head, she would’ve seen just how happy from the wide sappy grin on my face.

“Hello Drake.” She pushed her hair behind her ear nervously.

“Why are you walking back here alone this late?” It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her if she was here to see me, but I didn’t, only because she was already acting like she was gonna jump out of her skin. Better not make her even more uncomfortable.


