The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“She means well,” Beck assured. “A few weeks ago, she lost her dad. They were very close. Even though he was sick and his death wasn’t unexpected, he passed suddenly. She took it hard. I think she’s trying to make sure you don’t fall into the same mental chasm of grief she did.”

Zach’s face softened. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

“You couldn’t. My point is, Heavenly wasn’t trying to be pushy. She was just trying to help you find a path forward and show you that life goes on.”

His brother raked a hand through his hair. “And I came at the worst possible time. I didn’t realize you had a houseful of mourning people.”

Ironically, Beck hadn’t either until Zach pointed it out. “You came when you found yourself at a crossroads, and I’m still here for you.”

“I appreciate that. But I need time—quiet time—to reflect on everything that’s happened.”

“I understand. I know you feel completely lost.”

Zach nodded. “All my life, I knew what was expected of me, what my role in Messiah City was, and how I fit into God’s plan. I don’t anymore. I’m still not sure what I believe about God right now.”

Beck ached for Zach’s obvious confusion and struggle. “One day at a time. That’s how you’ll figure everything out. If you keep yourself open and stay receptive to what’s around you, you’ll find this life has advantages and blessings. You’ll eventually find happiness, too.”

“You should know.” He smiled faintly. “But to get there, I need space and solitude so I can figure out where to go next, to take the right path so I can find where I belong.”

The guilt in Beck’s chest eased. Thank fuck that his needs and Zach’s dovetailed. But that didn’t lessen his resentment at Seth for putting him in what could have been a terrible position.

“I’ll give you as much solitude as you need and a place to be alone.”

“You will?”

“Yeah. Seth has an apartment sitting empty. It’s not far from here.”

“If he lives with you and Heavenly, why?”

“He rented it when he first moved from New York, before the three of us got together.”

“Why does he keep it if he’s not using it?”

There were so many real-world things Zach had no way of understanding. Beck explained the concept of a lease in the most basic terms, along with the consequences of breaking one, before he described Seth’s one-bedroom unit with state-of-the-art security.

“It sounds like a good fit,” Zach mused.

“It’s a great complex with a swimming pool, fitness center, and a clubhouse. There’s a grocery store and tons of restaurants right around the corner, so you won’t go hungry.”

Zach nodded. “Are you sure Seth won’t mind me staying there?”

“Not at all. We talked about it last night, and he offered to let you stay at the apartment. Would you like to see it?”

“Sure. I don’t have a schedule to keep, so let me know when you’re available.”

“We can go now. It won’t take more than a few minutes.”

“It’s that close?”

“Yeah,” Beck assured. “It’s just a few minutes by car, so if you’d like company or want to visit, all you have to do is call. I’ll slip over and pick you up.” Beck frowned. “But you’ll eventually need your own set of wheels.”


“A new truck.”

Zach didn’t look happy. “Do I have to get a truck?”

The question took Beck aback. Living with The Chosen, his brother had no doubt driven nothing but high-utility vehicles for years, so he’d assumed… “No. You can get whatever kind of car you want.”

“I want one like yours.”

That shocked him. “A sports car?”

“Yeah. A red one, sleek and flashy.”

Beck was about to let Zach down gently and tell him he couldn’t afford a Mercedes convertible when he remembered their raid on Jed’s safe. “How much money did you take from Messiah City?”

“Everything in Jed’s office—stacks of cash, bars of gold, stocks, and jewelry.”

“What did you do with it?” Beck mentally kicked himself for not asking sooner.

“It’s downstairs, in my suitcase.”

Seriously? “Did Jericho give you any idea how much all that is worth?”

“On the flight here, he took stock of everything. He said that, after selling the land Messiah City sits on, which I’ll eventually inherit, I’ll have around twenty million dollars.”

Beck nearly choked on his coffee. “Are you shitting me?”

“No. And after watching many episodes of The Price is Right, I realize that’s a lot of money. I-I wasn’t sure before. But I gave a couple million to Jericho to pass on to those who have left The Chosen’s way of life. They’ll need a solid start, too.”

Quick math told Beck he’d given each of the survivors close to a hundred thousand dollars—way more than most people leaving a cult had to begin again.

“Maybe I should give them more.” Zach frowned. “I’m not greedy.”

“You’re not. You did fine,” Beck assured.


