The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Thank God. If they’d been in love with her, Seth didn’t know what advice he would have given them except to hang on to their hearts because they were probably destined to crash and burn. At least now he might be able to provide some words of wisdom, providing they listened.

“You two are clearly having a blast banging babes together, but have either of you stopped to think about your future?”

Their matching blank stares told him they hadn’t strained a single brain cell on tomorrow, let alone beyond. He wasn’t surprised.

“One day you’re both going to want to settle down, get married, and raise a family. How do you think that’s going to work?”

Connor reared back, his face looking like he’d sucked a lemon. “I’m not interested in that, at least not anytime soon.”

“Yeah, bro. It’s a no from me, too.” Jack nodded.

Seth strained for patience. “You don’t get it. The more time you spend carving notches in your bedposts together, the less you’ll really know yourselves. And the fewer skills you’ll have in making long-term commitments. Relationships don’t just happen. You have to work at them every day. All the time. Keeping love and passion alive takes work and dedication. You have to want it and mean it. But once you get there, it’s amazing.”

“And all that sounds great…but sharing is amazing, too,” Jack countered.

I know. Lord, do I know.

“Right now, we’re just having fun. When we decide we want all the forever stuff, we’ll go our separate ways and each find a girl,” Connor said.

“Okay, but you’re not going to do that with girls like Emily.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? She’s not a whore.”

“I never said she was,” Seth assured. “I’m saying she was doing you both for a thrill, not an emotional connection.”

“So?” Jack shrugged defiantly. “That’s all we wanted.”

“For now. But when you’re ready to settle down, you won’t find forever with a girl you’ve been passing between you.”

Well, you might. But finding one as rare as Heavenly and Raine will be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Connor backed up his twin.

“Exactly,” Jack piped up. “If you had any idea how awesome it feels to share a woman, you wouldn’t be saying any of this shit.”

“Is that what you think?” Seth tried not to laugh. “I’ve shared women.”

The twins gaped, then turned to one another in shock.

“When? Where?” Connor frowned like the obvious question was just now hitting him. “And with who?”

“None of your business, but I’ve done lots of things that would shock you, even kinky things. I used to be a member of a BDSM club when I lived in New York. I used to think of it as my kinky home away from home.”

“Club Graffiti? Yeah. We know.” Connor nodded enthusiastically. “We’re members, too.”

That stopped Seth cold. Shit, is it genetic?

“Then you two should be well aware that the lifestyle isn’t about sharing your cocks with a woman but sharing your trust, honesty, and heart with one. That’s how you build your lives, separately, with a like-minded woman who shares your desires and—”

“We have plenty of time for that crap,” Jack countered. “We’re not ancient like you.”

“Ancient?” Seth scoffed. “I was already married when I was your age.”

“No offense, bro, but we’re not you,” Jack reminded.

No shit. By then, he’d been responsible enough to be in a committed relationship. “You’re not, and I’m not trying to compare our lives. I’m simply trying to put things into perspective. When you find your soul mate, it doesn’t matter how old you are. Your heart comes alive. Life takes on a whole new meaning. And the world is brighter and more beautiful than it’s ever been. I want that for you—each of you. But if you don’t start looking separately, you’ll never find it.”

“We appreciate your wisdom, Obi-Wan,” Jack drawled. “But like we said, we’re not ready to settle down, get married, and make babies yet.”

“We’d rather practice.” Connor grinned.

“Oh, I saw. More than I wanted to,” Seth drawled. “But there’s more at stake than finding your happily ever after.”

“Like what?”

“Like…have you thought about what sharing a woman would do to Mom?”

Jack’s jaw fell open. “You’re gonna tell Mom? Dude, y-you can’t. She’ll—”

“Freak the fuck out,” Seth finished for him. “I know. When I told her about Hammer, Liam, and Raine, she nearly had an apoplectic seizure.”

“Oh, god.” Connor blanched. “If you tell her, it might kill her.”

“I doubt she’ll die, but she’ll probably browbeat you both within an inch of your lives. You know what she believes, what the Church has taught her since before her first communion.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Connor sighed. “Sex is between a man and a woman.”

“It’s more than that. She’s going to think it’s incest, and the Bible has a whole lot to say about that.”


