The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“You do. This asshole doesn’t.” Pike thumbed at River. “Anyway, I would have been here sooner, but some fidiot blew through a red light and caused an accident, so I had to take a detour.”

“It’s all good, man. I’m just glad you weren’t involved.” Dean slapped Pike on the shoulder as Hammer yanked the door up at the back of the truck.

Peering at the color-coded stickers on River’s boxes, Beck had to shake his head. He busted Seth’s balls all the time for anal-retentively arranging his socks and underwear. It looked like River was cut from the same cloth. “Another freaking perfectionist. No wonder he and Seth work so well together.”

Hammer smirked. “Are you surprised, Dr. Beckman? Surely you know that perfectionism is just another form of control.”

“I do, but I’d rather express mine with ropes and cuffs.” Beck grinned as he passed a chair down to Hammer for Raine.

“You and me both.” Macen chuckled, heading inside to settle his girl.

Short minutes later, Heavenly and Raine were tackling the kitchen while the others hauled furniture and assorted boxes off the truck and into the house. Each time Beck entered the place, his gaze stilled on Heavenly. And each time, as if sensing his presence, she flashed him a sweet smile or a flirty wink that warmed his heart.

After depositing Dean’s dresser in his bedroom, Beck and Seth retraced their steps, abruptly ducking into the kitchen to give River and Dean, who wrangled a heavy St. Andrews cross through the front door, plenty of room to maneuver. From the corner of his eye, Beck saw Heavenly pause and study the piece of dungeon equipment.

“What’s that wooden thing they’re carrying in?”

Her question reminded him that, while he and Seth had introduced her to a lot of BDSM play, she’d still never visited anything that remotely looked like a dungeon. Two months ago, she’d insisted they teach her about what went on at Hammer’s club, Shadows. They had…but they hadn’t.

He exchanged a glance with Seth, who winced. Yeah, Cooper was aware they’d held back. Beck had his reasons for hesitating. He should probably check with Seth about his, then discuss how they could fulfill their promise.

“She doesn’t know?” Jericho murmured just loud enough for Beck to hear. “Wow.”

Raine smothered a grin, then turned, sending him and Seth an arched brow. “Boys?”

Seth scowled at her, then took Heavenly by the elbow. “It’s something we need to introduce you to, angel.”

“In good time.” Beck fisted the messy bun on top of her head and leaned in close to her ear. “I promise.”

The tiny lines between Heavenly’s brows deepened as she watched Dean, River, and the cross disappear inside the playroom. “Why not today?”

“We’ll talk about it when we get home, but now isn’t the time.”

“I know we’re busy helping the guys move, but—”

“That’s not it. This house isn’t that big, there’s a whole lot of people here, and… River?” Beck called down the hall. “Is the playroom soundproofed yet?”

“Haven’t had time.”

“That’s why.” Seth punctuated his reply with a tight smile. “Unless you want everyone to hear you scream.”

Heavenly’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed pink. “We’ll wait until we get home.”

“Good choice,” Raine muttered.

Dean stopped short as he entered his bedroom. “Whoever hauled my dresser in, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Beck and Seth replied in unison.

“I’m going to unpack my clothes from these boxes so I can move around in here. Holler if there’s anything else heavy that needs lugging.”

“Most of the truck is already unpacked,” River announced from the playroom. “Liam and Hammer are bringing in the sofa, and there’s not much left after that.”

“We’ll get your big-screen mounted,” Beck told the guys as he and Seth gathered near the pale gray wall in the living room to assemble the mount.

At the sounds of masculine grunts, River strode from the playroom. Beck followed the noise and found Liam and Hammer wrestling a long leather couch through the front door, right behind the recliner Jericho lugged in.

“Shit. Let me help you guys.” River rushed toward them.

“We got it, mate,” Liam assured. “But Pike might need a hand with your mattress.”

“On it.”

As River raced out the door, Liam and Hammer lowered the couch, centering it beneath a big picture window against the wall. Coupled with the tables, art, and other touches, the place was starting to look like a real home.

Hammer stood upright and stretched, then frowned when Liam glanced at his watch. “You keep checking the time. You got a hot date or something?”

“He’d better not, or I’ll bitch-slap a heifer into next week,” Raine threatened, pinning the Irishman with a fierce glare.

“There’ll be no need to bitch-slap anyone, love,” Liam stressed. “Just waiting for the storm…”

Since the skies were perfectly clear, he didn’t mean the weather.

“You’re serious. When?” Hammer shot him a dissecting stare.

“Not too much longer.” Liam glanced at the door.


