The Devil’s Plaything Read online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

She reaches behind her neck and tugs at the strings, while keeping her eyes locked on mine. She’s taunting me, a fucking she-devil herself. I watch her movements without blinking as she bundles up the wet bikini top and throws it my way.

I catch it without flinching and bring it up to my face. Even though it’s wet from the chlorine water, I can still smell her perfume on the fabric.

“Are you really taunting me today, juguete?”

She tips her head to the side, innocence painted on her beautiful face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, diablo,” she pouts. Her hands cup her tits, and she gently teases her hardening nipples between her fingers just like I want to.

Without thinking, I jump into the pool to join her and wrap my arms around her, before she has time to wade her way through the water. Dragging her into the deep end, I pin her against the wall, keeping her caged against the cold concrete and my hard body.

“Tell me again, little toy,” I murmur, keeping my voice low. “Tell me how you’re not teasing me.” I grip her hand, bringing it down into the depths, so she can feel my length. “This is what you do to me. This is how you make me want to break you.”

“You can’t break me, Victor,” she says softly, before wrapping her fingers around me. The friction of her hand and the material of my shorts elicit a groan from deep within my gut. “But if you’d like to try,” she says on a smile, “then I suggest you do it now.”

Without another thought, I rip at her bikini bottoms and tug them free, my hand finding her slick cunt, my fingers dipping in between her folds. Her head drops back against the tiles as her mouth falls open on a gasp.

I continue fucking her with my fingers, deeper and faster than I ever have before. Her slickness coats my fingers as I crook them against the spot inside her that forces a cry of pleasure to tumble from her parted lips.

I bring my hand up, both digits still wet from her arousal, and paint her mouth with the sweet, musky essence. And then I steal her breaths with my own and swallow her moans as I lick the flavor from her lips.

One word escapes me as I breathe her in.

One word is the truth as it falls free.

And it’s that one word that will be my end.




After Victor claimed me with one word in the swimming pool an hour ago, he got out, leaving me breathless and needy. He didn’t fuck me. He didn’t do anything more than plant his lips on mine before turning away.

I’m not sure what to do with the way he possessively gripped me, how he growled the word mine like there was no debate about it. I wanted nothing more than to follow him, but something told me not to.

We both needed space, and I would give that to him. Twisting in front of the mirror, I take in my appearance. I’m wearing a short white chiffon dress that’s draped over my curves. Underneath, I’m wearing a red bikini that has much more material than the white one Victor ripped from my body earlier.

I didn’t want to taunt him in front of other people tonight because I wouldn’t put it past him to fuck me in front of them. The door slides open behind me, and I turn to take Victor in. He’s dressed in a pair of black slacks and a black button up shirt. His dark hair is tousled, styled in a messy way that makes my fingers tingle.

The corner of his mouth is tilted in a smirk as his dark gaze takes me in. From head to toe and back again. My stomach somersaults when his tongue darts out and licks his lips before he closes the distance between us in a few long strides.

“I’m sorry about earlier.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, tipping my head back to regard him.

“I don’t know,” he shakes his head as he watches me. Emotion dances in his eyes, something I can’t quite put my finger on. “Don’t ever make me jealous, juguete,” he warns me, his tone low and hard.

“Why?” I challenge. I know I’m poking the bear right now, but I need to know what’s going on between us. His hand comes up, cupping my cheek gently, but his hold is fierce. Barely there restraint causes his jaw to tick. He wants to do something violent, and I find that I want him to take me—violently.

“Because if I have to remind you who you belong to, you’ll be in a world of pain. No puedo ser amable cuando te anhelo con tanta violencia,” he tells me. His words—I can’t be gentle when I crave you so violently—turn my body hot. Electricity shoots through every vein in my body when his mouth claims mine for a searing kiss.


