The Devil’s Plaything Read online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“What the fuck is going on?” Javier is shaking my shoulder, and when I meet his gaze, I lock on those blue eyes and convey my pain with a single look.

He nods.


Valentina is next to enter with cleaning supplies, and I turn to Sofía, pulling her behind me as I lead her through the hallways. She doesn’t say a word, there’s one thing I’m going to do right now and that’s show her who the fuck she belongs to. I’m going to make her forget that piece of shit and I’m going to reclaim her, cleanse her of the pain he put her through.

We reach my bedroom, our bedroom, and I stop just inside the threshold. Kicking the door shut, I step away from the exit and look at her.

“Take off your dress,” I command, as I make quick work of discarding my own shirt, then my slacks and boxer briefs.

“Why? What are we doing?”

“I’m going to heal your broken heart,” I tell her. “Because you’re mine and this is going to be the only time that I will offer you a gentle love making.” It’s a promise. A vow. She slowly sheds her dress, and I find her naked underneath the flimsy material.

Offering her my hand, I wait for her to accept. The softness and delicate touch of her hand is intoxicating. I lead her into my bathroom. Twisting on the taps of the shower, I wait a short moment for it to heat up, before I take her hand once more and lead her into the tiled space.

We’re both under the spray when I reach for my body wash, it smells of spice and cinnamon. Gently, I fill my hand with a dollop and proceed to wash her. Every fucking inch of her perfect body, including the scar that adorns her chest. I touch her as if she were fragile.

From head to toe, she’s lathered up, bubbles all over her tanned frame. Her eyes are wide, wet, and I can see the etchings of pain in her gaze as she watches me. I drop to my knees once I’ve rinsed the soap off her.

“Lean against the wall,” I tell her from the ground, and she obeys silently. I spread her legs, hooking one over my shoulder, and I lean in to inhale her cunt. My tongue darts out, and I lap her entrance, tasting the sweetness of the woman I love.

Her hands tangle in my wet hair, and I continue working her body. With one finger, I slowly stroke her folds, opening her to my ministrations as I dip the digit inside her core. She’s warm, tight, and she cries out when I push inside her all the way to my knuckles.

“Please, Victor,” she cries. “I don’t know if I can.”

I look up at her, meeting her eyes. “Yes, you can, because you’re my strong, beautiful queen,” I tell her. I pump my finger in and out as I suck on her clit, grazing the bundle of nerves with my teeth, and I feel her pulse around my finger.

“Oh god, Victor,” she moans, when I add a second finger, moving slowly. I’m close to coming myself just from the tension that’s twisting in my gut. I love this woman with a ferocity I’ve only ever felt with her.

Her fingers tug at my hair, pulling me closer, and I give her more. It’s then that her hips move. She rides my finger and tongue, taking her pleasure. I look up to see her head fall back as she cries out my name over and over again.

Her release drips from her cunt, and I lap it up like it’s my last remaining sustenance. She drenches me, and I smile at her when she looks down at me. A small, shy smile dances on her lips, and she whispers, “Thank you.” And I know we’re going to be okay.

I’ve left Sofía to sleep; she needed the rest, and I’m in the office, planning out the takeover of all Rodrigo’s men, his customers, and anyone who worked with him. The asshole is gone, and his legacy will be forgotten once I’m done with it.

“Hey.” My beauty walks into my office once more, and I’m on my feet and closing her in a hug within a few long strides. She’s wearing a knee-length summer dress, which makes me want to do more than just hug her, but I know I need to take it slow. What she went through is something no woman should ever experience.

“I’m sorry I left you, I had work to do.”

“It’s okay,” she tells me. “Thank you for… I mean, thank you for the shower.”

“I’m sorry I lost my temper earlier,” I whisper into her hair, pressing a kiss on her forehead. “The anger that was burning me was something I’ve never experienced before. Not even when I’ve killed. I needed you to know that you’re mine and that what happened to you is something we will work through together.”


