The Fall of Us – Love in Isolation Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

Tatum: Ha! I’ll let him know.

Oakley: I’m actually sad to leave even though I have so much shit to do at home.

Tatum: Aw. Just know it’s normal to feel that way when you’ve had a good time. You can always visit again. Make it a yearly tradition or something.

Oakley: I know. But it’s more than just that.

Tatum: Ready to admit that you’ve fallen for your crush?

Oakley: No.

This feels like much more than an infatuation or crush, but I keep that to myself for now.

Tatum: I felt the same way when Easton and I first stayed at the beach house. But just remember, everything works out the way it’s supposed to. Have faith, little sis.

Oakley: I want the type of love you have.

Tatum: You’ll find your Prince Charming. Maybe you already have.

I need to change the subject because it’s making me sad. No reality would allow us to be together long-term. Not with three-thousand miles between us.

Oakley: Enough about me. How’s my niece doing?

Tatum: Amazing. She’s been keeping us updated on every little thing, and it’s feeling more real each day. Even did some baby shopping today.

Oakley: Really? And you didn’t send me pictures?

I insert an angry-face emoji.

Tatum: I will! We were so tired after shopping, we came home and took a nap.

Oakley: Sounds like you had a good time. I’m so excited to meet little Magnolia Rayne.

She sends me cry-laughing emojis because we both know Easton is outnumbered on the baby name.

Tatum: Me too.

I yawn and let Tatum know I’m going to take a nap. Packing doesn’t sound appealing, so I’ll rush on Sunday to get it all done, as usual. At least then, my mind will stay busy after the excitement of the celebration wears off.

After we say our goodbyes, I go upstairs and crawl into Finn’s bed that smells like him and sex. I wish I could inhale the sheets or bottle up the scent and take it home with me.

I try to drift off and the dread of getting on that plane in two days creeps over me. Falling for Finn wasn’t something I planned or expected. Maybe it’s just my heart playing tricks on me, but it’s never steered me wrong before, so why would this be an exception?




I wake before my alarm sounds. I should’ve known my internal clock wouldn’t let me sleep in. The anticipation and excitement of the celebration happening today wouldn’t allow it either.

I hear Oakley’s soft breathing and instead of waking her for a quickie, I decide to let her rest a little longer and go shower. We stayed up late last night and lost count of how many orgasms I gave her. Pretty sure we broke another record.

Oakley’s a goddess between the sheets, and I love how she takes what she needs without apology. And damn, do I enjoy giving myself to her.

I undress and step under the hot stream, allowing the warmth to wake me. Just as I reach for the soap, the shower curtain peels back, and Oakley steps in. Immediately, I grin.

“Thought we could conserve water,” she tells me, taking a step forward, allowing her breasts to press against my chest. She wraps her arms around my neck, and our lips gravitate toward one another. When we pull away, desire is written on her face.

“I need you,” she admits, and those words have my heart hammering. Oakley reaches down and strokes my cock that’s already hard for her.

“Mm. Always ready for me,” she says, lifting her thigh to give me better access. I latch onto her leg and slowly ease inside.

She sighs when I fill her.

She holds on to me for dear life as a pump inside her. Her back presses against the wall as she moans through the pleasure.

“Fuck,” I groan out as the orgasm quickly threatens to take over, but I don’t come yet. Instead, I drop to my knees, the stream running down my back, and devour her pussy for breakfast.

I position her thigh over my shoulder, knowing exactly how she likes her cunt devoured. Her wet hair sticks against her forehead, and she pants as she leans her head back.

Oakley tugs my hair with one hand and her nipple with the other as she rides my face. She tenses. “Finn. Fuck. I’m so close.”

And when she comes on my tongue, I don’t stop. I urge her with my eyes to give me one more as I taste her sweetness. She likes this game and plays along, getting back into her rhythm.

Minutes later, she’s losing herself again. I hold her tight as she almost falls, then I stand.

“That’s my good girl,” I praise, sliding my tongue into her mouth, allowing her to savor my new favorite flavor. Oakley looks at me with hooded eyes, then latches onto my cock with a tight grip. “Are you going to continue what you started?”


