The Homecoming Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57499 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

"Get the hell outta here Justin, I've known you guys my whole life remember, when have any of you ever been able to deny the women in your family anything?"

"That's different bro, you're her man you're supposed to put your foot down and shit, that's how it works, we need to give you lessons in this shit now too?"

"Alright hot shot, why don't you ask your dad when's the last time he put his foot down with Ms. Betty?"

They all grumbled under their breath because they knew I had a point.

In all the years I'd known this family, as hard as the men were, they were putty in the women's' hands.

Not that it was any different in my own family, that's just the way things were. The hardest bad asses were softies when it came to their women folk.

"Okay she's taken your nuts and is now working the case, any progress?"

I ignored the crack about my nuts and concentrated on the last part of the statement.

"Well so far we've found a money trail that smells like a setup. We know that our guy wasn't a fed, but worked with them in some capacity, which we're in the process of figuring out.

We did learn what he was working on though, which has me kind of worried.

So far we haven't been able to find out who he was working with initially, but one of Shania's contacts found out that he was working on a top secret security issue.

The thing is, whatever information he had when he met with whoever he was supposed to, is now in the wind."

“Top secret you say? I don’t like the sounds of this, now I really don’t want her anywhere near this shit.”

“I’m on top of it Matt, you don’t think I got my woman after all this time to let anything happen to her, do you?”

“See that you keep her safe and out of trouble. We’re counting on you to corral her and keep her ass quiet. I’m getting too old for this worrying shit.”

“I hear you bro, trust me I’ve got a plan.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I smiled before answering because I wasn’t sure if he’d like my answer any more than he liked her profession.

“I’m planning to have you four knee deep in new nieces and nephews for the next fifteen years at least.”

Chapter 21


Donovan's so cute, mom called and told me that the boys had been by the station ganging up on him, but he hasn't said a word.

Just came home and kissed me hello and headed off to the shower. He's all man so I'm sure he can handle my infuriating brothers, though I'd sure like to know what they'd talked about.

My life has never felt this complete. I’d once loved to lose myself in my work. Nothing got me more excited, or got my juices flowing like a good story to stick my teeth into.

Now I find that seeing Donovan at the end of the day was the most exciting thing in my life, even with a fascinating story to keep me occupied.

This case was turning out to be a doozy too. There were enough twist and turns for an espionage flick.

The most troubling thing though was what Riley had been working on. The space program was a very sensitive subject for some, and though most people had no idea what it was really all about, those who knew would be mortified if they even thought highly classified information had fallen into the wrong hands.

The country had outside enemies that would love to get their hands on our progress reports, not to mention everyone seemed to be in competition to see who could get there first.

The buzz that the US was the front-runner was pretty well hush- hush in the last few years, and the soviets and the Chinese were thought to have caught up.

More recently, the truth has been rearing its head, and we were being revealed as top dog. With that kind of Intel, everyone wanted a piece of the action, and if my contact was right and this guy had been dealing with this on such a high level, then we better hope he didn't have anything to lose on him when he lost his life.

It still didn't explain what he was doing here though, and what were his ties to the FBI?

The MIB hadn't shown up in town looking for their missing comrade, so it was anybody's guess what was really going on.

My phone rang as I was perusing my reports and listening to my man singing in the shower, I was just about to join him too.

"Spalding here."

"Shania, don't hang up..."

I looked towards the bathroom door as if Donovan was gonna come charging through any second.

"Dorian, why are you calling me?"

"Why wouldn't I, we were about to be married remember? Even though you seem to have forgotten how close we were. It didn't take you long to fuck the first swinging dick to come along did it?"


