The Interview Read Online Donna Alam

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 154890 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 774(@200wpm)___ 620(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

“To take off your pants?” she offers hesitantly.


Her lips twist with confusion. “Undress you?”

“You’re going to get my cock out.”

She blinks, then nods in the affirmative. “Yeah, I am.”

“So tell me that, sweetheart. Use that pretty mouth, say the words.”

“I…” She gives her head a shake. “I don’t want to.”

“But I want you to. And that, sweet girl, is the point.”

“Then let’s get to the point,” she whispers, grazing her fingers over my hard length.

As quick as a flash, I grab the base of her ponytail, tugging her head back. Breath catches in her throat, her expression one of that wild place between pleasure and pain. Her teeth tug her bottom lip, the sight triggering a memory. I’d imagined this the first time she appeared in my office. I imagined working my hand into her hair to hold her in place. I’d tease and taste.

“Say it, Amelia.” My words are silkier than a demand. “Tell me you’re going to take out my cock and suck me off.”

Her breasts rise and fall, lush and ripe and just beneath my attention because I can’t take my eyes from hers. So gray. So intensely smoky. She might not like to use the words, but she does like to hear them, it seems.

“I want to taste you,” she whispers.

Sometimes less is more, and this is definitely one of those times. I release the pressure on her ponytail, the sound of her eager breaths overlaying the slide of my zipper. The sides of my pants fall open when she seems to halt.

“Don’t stop now.” I brush the backs of my fingers down her neck when she seems content to stare at my boxers. “Not when you’re so close.” Not when my cock is so close to her mouth. She swallows, then slips her fingers into the waistband as though pulling them down for a look.

“Oh, boy.” The waistband snaps against my skin, the sound moment almost comedic as her eyes sweep up my body. “Or maybe that should be, oh, Daddy.”

“I’m waiting.” My attention flicks down pointedly.

She licks her lips, and I swear it’s not for effect as she stares at me with an intensity that makes the edges of my vision go hazy. When she glances up at me through those dark-painted lashes, I know what’s coming next.

“Yes. Whatever you say, Daddy.”

She is so bloody perfect.

Her fingers slide into my pants, and she takes the heft of both my cock and my balls into her hands. The experience is a tidal wave of relief that makes me moan like I’m paid to do it. Her breath is a tiny, terrible torture as she lowers her head, drawing her tongue across my slit.

The visual, the sensation, all of it—my praise delivered with a sandpapery rasp. The muscles in my thighs twitch, my hand instinctively guiding her head closer when she presses her lips to the smooth head.

“Yes, fuck, yes,” I groan raggedly as she slides her lips a little lower. There is nothing more intimate than sucking pussy or swallowing cock, whichever your pleasure might be. But this? This moment is sublime. Her mouth stretched around my girth looks so fucking incredible, and the way it feels? I wouldn’t be surprised to feel my soul leave my body, to see it suddenly ascend heavenward.

“Yes. Yes, like that.” I slide my hand to the back of her head, and she moans her approval, the vibration turning my insides to goo. Fire runs through my veins, or maybe that’s Amelia’s brand of sunshine, the force of it increasing at the hot slide of her mouth. My whole being is a pool of swirling, swimming yes, fucking yes as I give a couple of experimental flexes of my hips. “Amelia, you take my cock so, so beautifully.”

She makes a strangled cry, one I almost join her in as she pulls back.

“Whit!” My name sounds like amazement as she blinks up at me. “Oh my God, I never knew feedback could be so hot!”

“Debrief later,” I rasp, pressing her head lower again. My cock is literally weeping, and if my balls get any tighter, they might lodge themselves in my throat.

“You first,” she says with a sultry giggle. Sliding her hands into my boxer briefs at my hips, she slips the remains of my clothing down. I kick them away. “Me next?” she suggests, snapping the elastic of her knickers for good measure.

“Less talk, more sucking.” Her head dips as she obliges. “Fuck, yes!” I groan as she inhales me deeply with a sexy little sigh. “Debrief… coming soon.” Her delectable lips still wrapped around my girth, she twists the head, her wide eyes darting to mine. “Not that kind of coming.” I didn’t know it was possible for someone to snort while sucking cock. It turns out the raspy press of it is more than pleasant. “You’re good, but…” I press my hand to the back of her head when my body bows unexpectedly forward when she paints a wet stripe of pleasure along the underside of my hard length. I growl, grabbing for her ponytail but not before she swirls her tongue around my wet crown.


