The Italian Tycoon’s Hired Wife Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72847 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 364(@200wpm)___ 291(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

Placing a kiss on the little girl’s forehead, she whispered, “Just remember I’m on your side, principesa, always.”

After closing the door behind her, Vivian leaned tiredly against the wall as her eyes shut closed.

God, she was so stupid.

Had she really thought she stood a chance against Eula’s own birth mother?


Her head jerked up, and she blinked when she saw Luca coming out of their bedroom. His dark hair was still wet, his broad chest accentuated by his thin, V-neck undershirt and his long legs encased in a loose pair of pants.

Before she could think of what to say, Luca was already striding towards her, and by the time her lips parted he had already hauled her into his arms, crushing her mouth under his.


Vivian surrendered into the kiss, her arms curling around his neck tightly. She craved for the euphoria his touch always offered, needing it to forget—-

His tongue pushed inside her mouth, and she eagerly sucked it, making her husband groan. Without breaking their kiss, the billionaire pushed her against the wall as he lifted her up, and her legs immediately wrapped around his waist.

He ground his cock against her throbbing mound, and she whimpered.

At the sound, Luca managed to tear his mouth away from his wife’s, and even as she mewled in protest, he demanded hoarsely, “I need to know you’re okay.”

She moaned, her soft, sensual green eyes pleading unconsciously with him. “Just make love to me, Luca.” It was a rare instance for his wife to ask him for sex, and his control snapped.

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped himself with uncool haste, and when she began to pant as if she couldn’t bear to wait for him, his arousal heightened, ripping a harsh growl out of his throat.

Their eyes locked just as his manhood sprung free, thick and engorged, pulsing powerfully against her wet underwear—-

“I love you.” His voice was fierce.


The words were completely unexpected, and coming from a man who had once pushed her away because he had been terrified in taking the risk of falling in love with her—-


His hand went under her skirt, and she stopped speaking, her throat tightening at the exciting feel of his hand on the bare curve of her hip.

“I’m glad you’re over those CSI suits, and you’re back to wearing skirts.” His light blue eyes smirked down at her. “It makes things more convenient.” And as if to demonstrate, the words was followed by the telltale sound of her lace panties tearing, and Vivian bit hard into her lower lip to keep herself from moaning.

And then he was thrusting hard into her, so damn deep that every inch of her insides felt stuffed full of him.

Her fingers dug into the panes of his back. “Oh, Luca.”

She had missed this so, so much, and as he withdrew and shoved his erection back into her, it seemed like he did, too, and her legs tightened around his waist, relief flooding her.

Didn’t this mean he hadn’t spent any of his time in Italy cheating on her with his ex-wife?

Their lovemaking was fast and furious, and she might have made a joke about it if she wasn’t so busy trying to hold on to him as he slammed into her again and again. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she started to scream, but her husband covered her mouth in time.

“Quiet, cara,” he muttered under his breath, “or we’ll wake Eula up.”


She was horrified to hear his words. The possibility hadn’t even occurred to her at all, and she would have drowned in shame if she just weren’t so taken over by the way her husband kept pounding into her. The erotic sounds of their bodies slapping against each other echoed all over the vast second-floor hallway. She was certain the sound could have spilled over to the living room below, and the thought that the servants could hear them and know what they were doing—-

It shamed and excited her at the same time, every cell of her body throbbing at the knowledge that people knew Luca Valencia was making love to her.

Because Luca was her husband.


And this mattered to her so, so much that in a moment of weakness and abandon she blindly reached for his head, her tongue swirling around his ear.

Luca’s powerful body shuddered against her.

She whispered, “You’re mine, a-aren’t you, Luca?”

He answered her with a deep, forceful shove of his manhood, and the strength of his thrust caused her to arch against him as her head fell back.

The billionaire fisted her hair, his hand serving to protect the back of her head before it could hit the wall behind Vivian.

And then he was retaliating, biting her ear as he said savagely, “Always.”

The answer rocked her world, and before she knew it, her body was tensing up, and her pleasure had reached the point of no return.


