The Kindred Warrior’s Captive Bride Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

Need frowned.

“And what’s that? What do you need?”

She bit her lip shyly, shifting against him so that her full, naked breasts rubbed against his side. He loved how soft she was.

“I need…need to be filled,” she admitted at last. “I have this feeling inside this…emptiness. And it’s getting worse every day.”

“Filled, hmm?” Need growled softly, feeling his shaft twitch with anticipation. “Filled how, exactly, sweetheart?”

“Not with your fingers this time. Not even with your tongue.” Lan’ara flushed prettily. It was clear she was embarrassed to meet his eyes as she spoke but Need lifted her chin and made her look at him.

“Tell me,” he growled. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I need…need your shaft in me,” Lan’ara admitted at last. “Please, Need.”

“You want me to fuck you? Is that it?” he demanded.

She bit her lip.

“I…I don’t know about that. All I know is that I feel so empty inside it hurts. And I crave to have you in me, my Lord. Please?” She looked up at him pleadingly.

Need hovered on the edge of indecision. On one hand, he wanted nothing more in the world than to fill the girl with his shaft and his seed. Then he would drive his fangs into her neck as he came in her and bond her to him forever. On the other hand that cold, logical little voice was whispering that this was how he had gotten hurt in the first place—by allowing himself to love and bond Cleah. And he never wanted to go through that again…

“Please, my Lord.” Lan’ara’s soft voice cut through his deliberation. “I’m so empty inside I ache. If you could just…just put your shaft inside me for a moment. Just long enough for me to feel it in me, maybe it would make things better. We wouldn’t have to actually make love…not if you didn’t want to.”

Need knew it was a slippery slope, but he couldn’t resist her sweet words.

“All right,” he said at last. “But if you want to be filled, you’ll have to do the filling yourself, girl.”

Her gold-flecked eyes widened.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ll have to climb atop me and take what you need from me.” Need turned over on his back, letting his hard shaft spring free for her. “If you want it, you’ll have to work for it,” he told Lan’ara. “You’ll have to mount me and ride me.”

Her eyes widened for a moment and she nibbled her lush lower lip indecisively. Need knew that she was often embarrassed to take the lead sexually, though she was always eager enough to suck his shaft. But he told himself that this was the only way he could take her without actually bonding her.

He longed to roll her over, spread her thighs, and thrust deep into her creamy depths. But if he did that, there was no way he could stop himself from biting her and injecting the essence from his fangs at the same time. In order to keep from doing that, he had to take the passive role this time. If Lan’ara really did need him that badly, she would have to get over her shyness and come to him.

After a long moment, she seemed to make a decision.

“Yes, my Lord,” she whispered and threw a leg over his hips to straddle him.

Need couldn’t help the groan that escaped him as he watched her position her open pussy over the broad head of his cock. She looked so beautiful, astride him like this. With her long, curly hair hanging down her back and her full breasts thrusting forward, the nipples leaking amber nectar. She had a look of concentration on her face, her lower lip caught in her little white teeth as she lowered herself down on him, slowly feeding his shaft into the mouth of her hot little cunt.

“Careful, sweetheart,” Need told her. “You’re still a virgin and I’m on the big side.” As all Kindred males were. But though she was tight, Lan’ara was a numalla and very slippery from the way he’d tasted her earlier. Though it was a tight fit, she was able to slide him inside her, little by little, working her hips to get him deeper and deeper into her pussy.

Need groaned again at the erotic sight of her soft little pussy swallowing him down to the root. Her inner channel felt like a tight, wet, velvet glove wrapped all around his shaft—a sensation so intense he could barely keep from thrusting. But no—he had told her that she would have to do the work, he reminded himself. He wouldn’t make love to her, wouldn’t bond her…

But when she finally had him all the way inside her, his determination wavered. Gods, she was so beautiful and brave, taking all of him into her like this! And the way she was shifting around on him, as though trying to get used to the feeling of having his shaft thrust so deeply into her made him want to take her more than ever.


