The Lobster Trap Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 396(@200wpm)___ 317(@250wpm)___ 264(@300wpm)

Speed paced as much as he could and rubbed his chin, as if he had a beard. Dune shook his head while he watched his friend entertain the crew.

“One day.” Speed turned in a circle, holding his index finger up. “Redbeard heard rumors of a Spanish galleon that was carrying a huge shipment of gold and jewels. The galleon was said to be sailing through the waters near Seaport, and Redbeard knew he had to act fast if he wanted to get his hands on the treasure.

“He assembled his crew and set sail in pursuit of the galleon. They sailed for days, keeping a low profile and avoiding any other ships that might raise suspicion. Finally, they spotted the galleon on the horizon and gave chase.

“Redbeard and his crew attacked the galleon with everything they had, boarding it and engaging in a fierce battle with the Spanish sailors.” Speed pretended to fight the air, as if he battled other pirates. Everyone around him laughed.

“The fight was long and bloody, but in the end, Redbeard emerged victorious. He and his crew seized the treasure and made off with it back to Seaport.”

“Where’s it at now?” someone interrupted.

“Be quiet so he can tell the story,” another person said.

Speed smiled and continued. “But Redbeard knew he couldn't keep the treasure in Seaport for long. He had enemies in the town, a lot of them. Everyone wanted a piece of Redbeard, and he knew that they’d be looking for him. So, he made a bold decision . . .” Speed paused for dramatic effect. Dune had to admit, he had everyone on edge with his story. “He would bury the treasure somewhere along the coast, where no one would ever find it.”

A couple of people looked at Dune, who nodded and pointed toward the shoreline, letting them think the treasure could be anywhere.

“Redbeard and his crew spent days searching for the perfect spot to bury the treasure. They finally found a secluded cove just outside of town, and they dug a deep hole in the ground. They placed the treasure inside, covered it up, and marked the spot with an X. Have you been to Cobblestone’s yet?” he asked the visitors. Many of them nodded, and so did Speed. The myth through town was that Redbeard’s treasure was actually under the famed restaurant and not out of town, but no one had the guts to figure it out.

“Redbeard and his crew then returned to Seaport, where they laid low for a while, waiting for the heat to die down. Eventually, Redbeard retired from piracy and settled down in a small cottage on the outskirts of town.” Speed shrugged, ending the story.

“Wait, that’s it?” someone asked.

“Yep. The rest is just a bunch of tall tales. No one knows what happened.”

“Has anyone tried to find the treasure?” another guest asked.

“Many have tried to find it, but no one’s ever succeeded. No one really knows where Redbeard put it, whether or not it’s in town. Everyone was afraid of him, and he didn’t have any decedents. There’s no one to ask.” Speed shrugged again.

Speed came to the helm and grabbed his water. Dune shook his head and laughed a low rumble. “How many times have you told that story?”

“Too many to count,” Speed said.

“Now they’re all going to treasure hunt while they’re in Seaport.”

“Should I tell him Redbeard’s map is sold at all the stores in town?”

Dune laughed again. “I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”

Speed put his water away and then went to the cooler to get bottles for each of the people on the boat. Blue Lobster Adventures prided itself on making sure everyone was comfortable while on a tour. It was the little things, like having bottled water or sunblock on board, that made a difference.

As they approached Martha's Vineyard, Dune pointed. “If you have time and want to take the ferry over here, I highly recommend the trip,” he said. “The island has beautiful cliffs and rolling hills for hiking, as well as all the quintessential New England charm with the Gay Head Lighthouse, the Edgartown Lighthouse and quaint seaside towns.”

Dune steered the boat to where they would drop anchor. Speed began helping the guests get their fins on and made sure masks were tight. He went over the breathing technique again and answered all the questions that came his way. When the anchor dropped, Dune cut the motor.

“Any questions?”

No one had any, and one by one, they entered the water. It was a slow process, with each person having to climb down the ladder. It really didn’t serve anyone well if they dove in because they’d have to blow the water from their snorkel immediately.

When everyone was in the water, Dune sighed. He and Speed walked the length of the boat, watching for anyone who needed help.


