The London Chance – MM Romance Read Online Lane Hayes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29542 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 148(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

“How long ago did you break up?”

“A year ago. We were together for a year and a half. Just long enough to get screwed over.”

“Hmm. I don’t know if a marriage certificate makes it worse. It’s never a good feeling to know the one person you thought you could trust decided to change the rules without saying a word. I won’t lie…that post-breakup era was a dark time for me. It’s been three years, and I finally feel like myself again. I know myself better now and can admit that I struggled in the aftermath and clung to crap I didn’t care about out of spite.”

“Like your silverware?”

I snorted. “Exactly. The flat too.”

“Why? I love your flat.”

“It’s a great place, but I could sell it for a profit, and find something closer to my office…with a view. Or I could sell everything and move home. I don’t have to stay to pretend I’m okay. I am okay.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Do you want to move to Canada?”

“No, I’m happy here now. I have good friends, a booming business, and a lot of employees counting on me. I’m not going anywhere.” I gestured at the steel and glass skyscrapers lining the waterfront. “I wouldn’t mind living in one of those, though.”

Chance squinted at a tall building nearby, shading his eyes from the glare. “That would be amazing.”

I put my arm around his shoulders and rested my temple against his, pointing meaningfully. “When you come visit next time, you might find me there. There’s a great outdoor market and beer garden close by…and plenty of shopping too.”

“When you visit next time” sat between us like a land mine. He had no idea how uncharacteristic that statement was for me. For most people, it was a throwaway invitation. For me, it was a mark of vulnerability.

He smirked. “What’s the karaoke game like?”

Leave it to Chance to come up with the perfect response.

I pulled him to me and tousled his hair. “No idea, ya little weirdo.”

“Weirdo? Me?”

I grinned, enchanted by the twinkle in his eyes and the curve of his full lips. He exuded the kind of inner joy that people who choose happiness can’t hide. An irksome ex wouldn’t keep him down for long. Chance wouldn’t let him. He’d buy guitar picks, hop a plane to explore a city he didn’t know well, meet new friends at a bar.…He’d choose to find the bright side.

Something told me I needed that kind of brightness in my life. If only for a little while.

I hugged him impulsively and reached for his hand. “C’mon, there’s a nice pub on the next block. We can get a bite to eat, go to the cathedral, and—”

“Or we can swing by my hotel so I can grab some clean clothes and go back to your place. St. Paul’s will be here tomorrow…just sayin’.”

“Hmm. And what do you propose we do at my place?” I teased.

“Oh, gosh, we could play Scrabble or tackle a few more dating app questions. What’s your ultimate snack? Who’s your guilty celeb crush? Cats or dogs or both? Who would you take with you to outer space?”

The questions came faster than I could answer, and I didn’t mind at all. I chuckled, happy to follow wherever he led.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets, gazing up at the ivy-covered hotel façade in Grosvenor Square while Chance paid for our cab.

“You know this was one of the many hotels we drove by last week.”

“Nah, couldn’t be.” He poked my ribs as he put his wallet away and countered my faux growl with a monster grin.

My arms were around him again a moment later. Christ, I couldn’t keep my hands off him and of course, he noticed it.

Chance stepped aside, playfully nipping my chin. “I never would have guessed you were a public hugger, hand-holder, and kiss-stealer.”

“I’m usually not. It must be you.”

He stared at me curiously as if not quite knowing what to make of that but waited till we were in the elevator to ask, “How long have you been out?”

“Since I was sixteen. I thought I was gay until I fell for a girl in college. That didn’t last, and my next big affair was with an older man. Marrying a woman shocked the hell out of my family. I honestly don’t think they were surprised it didn’t last.” I leaned against the doorjamb as he fumbled with his key card, then opened the door.

His hotel room was a nice, albeit basic space with white linens on the king-sized bed, tall ceilings, and striped curtains. I pulled the drapery back and glanced at the square below while he stripped out of his suit and riffled through his suitcase for a change of clothing.

“I came out when I was eighteen, and I was dismayed that no one was shocked. At all. I had so much angst about what would happen and honestly, life got easier when the truth was out there and I stopped worrying about things I couldn’t control. Of course, it helped that I met David freshman year.”


