The Mafia And His Angel Read online Lylah James (Tainted Hearts #1)

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Tainted Hearts Series by Lylah James

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 118410 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 592(@200wpm)___ 474(@250wpm)___ 395(@300wpm)

Moving forward until our bodies were molded together, I tilted my head up and then stood on my toes. Our gazes stayed connected as I gently pressed my lips to his, and my eyes fluttered shut.

I heard a growl rumble from his chest and he pressed his lips harder against mine, demanding access. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He explored my mouth slowly. I was hesitant at first, but when he bit down on my lips and then sucked at my tongue, I grew bold.

Letting go of his jacket, I moved my hands upward until my fingers were wrapped in his hair. When I sucked at his tongue, his fingers tightened around my scalp, a groan vibrating from his chest. I moaned in return.

Alessio licked my lips and I shuddered against him, my fingers pulling at his hair. He slightly pulled away and swore. “Fuck.” We were both breathing hard. Seeing a man like him undone was shocking to me.

Before I could say anything, his lips crashed into mine again. This time he took my lips possessively, as if he was starving for me. And I returned his kisses with the same fervor.

Alessio pressed me against a tree, holding me tightly against him. He never broke the kiss. Instead, he claimed my lips, marking me as his.

Releasing my waist, his hand started to move lower until it was at the edge of my dress. He pulled back and then licked my swollen lips. I was in haze, his kisses driving me crazy.

“Did I tell you how beautiful and sexy you look in this dress?”

His words sounded like they were under water but I understood them. So, I shook my head. Alessio leaned closer until his lips were right next to my ear.

He bit down on my earlobe. “You look so fucking beautiful in this dress,” he whispered gruffly, his voice sounding husky and laced with desire.

His movement was slow, but I shivered when I felt him move my dress upward. Alessio took my lips again.

Too much. It was happening too fast. My head was spinning. My skin burned. My body felt light and heated…too warm. I felt my knees shaking and I clung to his shoulders, my fingers biting into them. Alessio hissed into my lips.

When he didn’t move, I wrapped my fingers in his hair again, and pulled. Alessio groaned unhappily but tore his lips away from mine. Our harsh breathing filled the silent forest and I fought for air.

“Too fast?” Alessio asked.

“A little,” I replied, my chest heaving.

“Okay.” He placed his forehead against mine again and I opened my eyes, making eye contact with his. He gave me a small smile before bending down to place a sweet gentle kiss on my swollen lips.

Alessio let go of me and stepped away. I missed his warmth almost immediately. The look in his eyes told me he felt the same way.

He brought a hand up and rubbed his thumb over my lips. “I like your lips like this…swollen and red from my kisses.”


He smirked and then bent down to kiss me again before pulling away. “I’ll just have to kiss very often then, to keep them looking like that.”

This man was impossible.

I couldn’t help but giggle at the look on his face and his words. Ducking my head shyly, I smiled. But Alessio wasn’t having any of that. He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head up.

“What did I tell you?” he asked, his eyes fierce and intense.

My mouth formed an ‘o’ and I cocked my head to the side. “You told me to never look away from you.”

Alessio moved the few strands of hair that fell over my face behind my ear, before cupping my jaw, rubbing his thumb softly yet possessively over the curve. “Good. Remember that, kitten.”

“Hmm.” I smiled up at him.

“C’mon. Let’s go back,” he said.

This time, he didn’t walk ahead of me. Instead, he took my hand in his, entwining our fingers tightly together before walking away from the creek. Our steps were slow and unhurried, almost as if we lost in our thoughts.

But truthfully, we were lost in each other. Both of us never wanting this perfect beautiful moment to end.

Happiness couldn’t be a word to describe what I was feeling. Inside, my feeling was joyful. I felt giddy. Warm and completely euphoric. My cheeks were hurting from my wide smiles but most of all, my heart…it was whole.

It fluttered every time Alessio’s fingers tightened around mine. It danced with happiness every time I thought about our kiss. And it sang with the intensity of Alessio’s eyes on mine.

As we walked back toward the mansion, I just prayed that this happiness, and whatever was between us, wouldn’t burn out before it could bloom.


“Goodnight,” I whispered to Alessio, my head lying on his shoulder as I sat on his lap.


