The Music of Love Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 25780 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

If only I had recorded what we did on the couch…

“Oh my God, I love this actor,” Sarah says, stuffing her mouth with more hot chips before offering some to me. I take one. She gives me a funny look. “What, that’s it?”

“I can’t handle all the spiciness you’re into.”

“Unless it’s the spiciness of a certain guy?” she replies with a sly wink. I let out a deep sigh and nod as all of my feelings come rising up like a warm wave.

“Oh, I can’t handle him either.” I grin, feeling suddenly giddy.

“I’ve never seen you like this before.” Sarah smiles. “Here I was thinking you were going to be single forever. And who do you end up dating? The world’s most famous rockstar. Ridiculous!”

“Yeah, well you never know how life’s gonna go–”

My phone buzzes beside me. I pick it up and gasp when I see a message from Cal.

I’m outside, let me in.

Panic grips my chest, and I quickly turn to Sarah, who can tell instantly that something’s up. “What?”

“He’s here!”

“Who’s here?” she asks.

“Cal!” I rocket to my feet. Oh, God, this is bad. I’m wearing shorts and an oversized T-shirt. I haven’t showered, my hair’s a mess, and I have absolutely no makeup on. “I can’t let him see me like this! Keep him busy!”

I rush to the bathroom and hear Sarah shouting at me, “Keep him busy?!”

I’m turning the shower on when I hear the door to the apartment open and Cal’s deep voice. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but I can hear him and Sarah conversing as I practically hurl myself into the water and take the fastest shower I’ve ever taken in my life. I blow dry my hair as best I can and am just reaching for my makeup when the bathroom door opens and Cal walks in.

“Cal!” I blurt out, aghast. “What are you—what are you doing? I’m not ready!”

“Ready for what?” He smiles like the absolute gorgeous prince that he is. He looks completely out of place in my grungy bathroom.

“For…whatever you have planned,” I stammer. “I assume you have something planned, right?”

Cal shrugs and moves closer. “Maybe I just wanted to come see you.”

“Well, you couldn’t have given me a bit of warning so I could have time to put my face on?”

Cal snatches me quickly by my waist and pulls me right up against his body. It feels so incredible being up against his strong, muscled frame. “Oh, be quiet, Reese. You don’t need makeup to look gorgeous. In fact, I like you just the way you are right now.”

This guy is good. His words cause my cheeks to go red, so in a way I’m kind of having blush applied to my face, just without a brush.

“Stop…” I mutter, hiding my face as it grows hotter.

“It’s the truth,” he chuckles, squeezing my butt with his strong hands. “You know what else is the truth?”

“What?” I ask.

“If your roommate Sarah wasn’t out there right now, I’d be pounding you right over this sink.”

I knew how badly I was falling for Cal after our date, after he had been inside me and taken me, but wow. Hearing him talk to me like this has me absolutely swooning. I’m even thinking about whether or not we’d be able to pull that off without Sarah figuring out what we were up to. Without hearing. We’ve been friends for a long time, but I don’t think I’m quite ready for her to listen in on what would only be my second time with Cal. My second time ever.

“You really know how to turn me on,” I whisper.

“Right back atcha, girl.” He grins.

“Hey, you two aren’t boning in there, are you!?” Sarah’s voice rings out, shattering the moment. We both sigh in unison.

“Can she read minds?” Cal asks with a chuckle.

“No!” I shout back. “We’re going to do that in your bed tonight when you’re at work!”



If it felt strange riding in Cal’s incredible hotel-on-wheels last night on the way to the venue, it feels even stranger today just driving around town in a rental car in broad daylight, with him at the wheel. It’s like he’s just some regular guy, and we’re just some regular couple on our way to do some errands together.

After I got dressed, wearing one of the skirts Cal bought me along with a cute sleeveless blouse, Cal took me downstairs where he had parked out front and told me to come with him over to some random guy’s house he’d found online who was selling some old vintage guitar that I guess is super rare or awesome or something.

Cal’s so excited as we drive. He actually looks cute like a little boy. It’s quite the contrast to the image the world gets to see of the commanding, arrogant rockstar, dripping with swagger.


