The Perils of Patricia – Sex and the Season Five Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83053 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

“Thank you, Trudy,” she said.

“Of course, my lady. Do you require anything else?”

“I’m going to eat this, and then I’m going to try to get some rest. My mother’s orders, you know.”

“Your mother is quite right, my lady. You been through a harrowing experience.” Trudy looked her up and down. “It’s amazing that you came through so unscathed. No burns on you.”

“I know, Trudy. Believe me, I’m forever grateful for my luck. If the earl hadn’t come…”

“There’s no need to think about that,” Trudy said. “The earl did come. And you will both recover nicely.”

“Yes, and then I shall marry him.” She looked lovingly at the ring on her hand again. “I shall marry the most perfect man ever.”

Trudy simply smiled and curtsied. “I’m very happy for you, my lady.” She excused herself and went about her business.

Tricia spread some clotted cream on her scone and stirred a bit of milk into her tea.

Why had she found herself in such peril lately? It was her own fault, of course. She shouldn’t have been nosing about the earl’s house on either occasion. When she wandered up to the fourth floor, she found herself in peril on the parapet. And when she wandered into his unlocked office last evening⁠—

Tricia dropped the scone. It disintegrated into crumbs as it hit the floor.

But why had Thomas’s study been unlocked?

Tricia shakily brought the cup of tea to her lips.

Surely he wouldn’t keep his study unlocked during a house party. Especially not during a ball, when everyone was congregated in one place and someone could have easily sneaked out and⁠—

She gasped, dropping her tea. The exquisite ceramic cup shattered into tiny pieces next to the scone crumbs.

But this mess was the least of Tricia’s problems. Trudy could handle that in less than half a minute.

She had to talk to Thomas.

Why would Mr. Jameson want to destroy Thomas’s study?

Was there something in there that he didn’t want Thomas to find? She had heard him looking for something. Or…did he mean to harm Thomas himself?

Tricia hastily rang her bell.

Trudy came quickly. “Yes, my lady?”

“I must speak to the earl at once,” she said.

“My lady, his lordship is resting, as you should be as well.”

“But this is important, Trudy. I believe his lordship may be in danger!”

“I shall have to help you dress,” Trudy said.

“No, Trudy. This is an emergency. I don’t have time for corsets and frills.” She grabbed the dressing gown her mother has scoffed at just a short time ago and threw it over what she was wearing.

Trudy stepped in front of her. “Your ladyship, it really wouldn’t be proper⁠—”

“Trudy, I don’t give an absolute damn what is and isn’t proper right now.” She grabbed Trudy’s shoulders. “Have you seen one of Thomas’s sisters? I should like to speak to them as well.”

“The duchess was just here to see how you were doing,” Trudy said. “I told her you were resting, but I may still be able to catch her.”

“I’ll do it myself.” Tricia gestured to the shattered teacup and scone crumbs. “In the meantime, I’ve made a bit of a mess here, if you don’t mind.”

Tricia threw the door open and ran down the long hallway. “Lily!” she shouted. “Are you here?” She ran into one of the estate’s maids. “Have you seen the duchess?”

The maid covered her mouth with her hands. “My lady, you aren’t dressed⁠—”

Tricia held up a hand. “The duchess! Where is she?”

The maid swallowed and shakily gestured down the hall. “She just passed, my lady. But if you don’t mind me saying, you really ought not be⁠—”

“As a matter of fact, I do mind you saying.” She gestured to her bedroom door. “Trudy is in there cleaning up. Why don’t you help her?”

The maid nodded, her eyes wide. “Of course, my lady.”

Tricia ran down the hallway. Oh, how much easier it was to move when she wasn’t being constrained by a corset and ballgown.

Finally she saw the woman who would one day be her sister-in-law.


Lily’s eyes widened at Tricia’s state of undress. “Tricia, my lovely, are you quite well?”

“I am fine. But I need to speak with your brother. Is he still resting?”

Lily’s eyes fell on the ring on her finger. “I’ve heard the good news, and we all could not be happier⁠—”

“Yes, I’m over the moon, but now is not the time. Your brother, is he⁠—?”

“Yes, he’s resting.” Lily raised an eyebrow. “But why must you speak with him? You both should be in bed, recuperating.”

“I’ve had a terrible thought, Lily. Did Thomas tell you what I believe to have found out about his cousin?”

“Yes, Thomas told me.” Lily grabbed Tricia’s hands. “We’re taking care of things discreetly.”

Tricia whipped her hands out of Lily’s. “But has no one considered why he burned the study down? I think there is a chance that Thomas’s life might be in danger. Is anyone with him at the moment?”


