The Problem With Pretending Read Online Emma Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 126850 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 634(@200wpm)___ 507(@250wpm)___ 423(@300wpm)

“Precisely,” William replied. “The marquis title is there, but the general consensus is that old Uncle Dunc was a bit of a wild one, so best to leave it at that.”

I laughed, resting my head back against the wall. “All the best families have a wildly inappropriate relative somewhere in their history. I think I have a great-great-something aunt who flashed King George the Third. I guess old Uncle Dunc is yours.”

“Yes. Thankfully, the wild gene seemed to have died out with him.” He tilted his head to the side. “Pity, as the reason his grandfather got the marquis in the first place was because of services to the King.”

“What did he do? Provide the King with prostitutes? I’m sorry—paid company.”

William looked at me, grimacing. “That’s exactly what he did. And he paid for them.”

“So you’re telling me it was a pay-for-play?”

“Quite literally, as it happens.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. What a crazy ride his family history must be. I was only here for a few days, but I was going to have to sit his grandpa down and pick his brains until I knew absolutely everything. There had to be more fascinating stories like that buried in books William had never read.

“Right, come on. It’s getting late, and that cloud looks suspiciously like it’s going to drop white shit out of the sky. The last thing I want is to be stuck out here in the snow and have to explain to my family why you’ve frozen to death.” He pushed himself up off the stone floor, turned, and held his hands out for me.

Smiling, I rested my hands in his. He gripped my fingers tightly and pulled me up. He was so enthusiastic in it that I stumbled forwards into him, and he had to take a step back to steady himself.

“Oops,” he muttered. “That was a bit too much oomph, huh?”

“Just a bit.” I peered up at him, and my lips curved into a small smile of their own volition.

The moon danced off his handsome face, illuminating his features in a way that was almost god-like. His dark brown eyes seemed brighter and warmer than usual, and the strong cut of his cheekbones as they gave way to his short beard was emphasised by the shadow the moon cast on his cheeks.

And his lips.

Pulled up the tiniest amounts at the corners.

Shadowed the most, almost hiding in the darkness, so much so that a part of me wanted to reach out and touch them just to make sure they were still there.

I knew they were, of course, but the urge to lean forwards and kiss him just to make sure washed over me like a compulsion.

One I didn’t give in to.

One I couldn’t give in to.

William’s smile dropped, and with it, his lips parted ever so slightly. Invitingly, almost. A tease and a temptation that would be nothing but a terrible idea if I gave into it.

His gaze flickered.

Up and down, almost as if it were running over my face, examining the curve of my jaw and the sweep of my brows, the bow of my lips and the little bump on my nose.


Examining me.

It was unnerving and welcome at the same time in a way I couldn’t quite understand.

His gaze lingered on the lower half of my face for what seemed like an age, and he released my hand, slowly bringing his up to my face. The backs of his fingers brushed my lower cheek, and I drew in a deep breath as his fingers reached towards my lip.

“You have a hair stuck to your lip,” William said in a low voice, pulling it away softly. “There. Got it.”

I swallowed. “Oh. I didn’t notice.”

“I think it happened when I yanked you up.” He gave me a small smile and stepped back. “Come on. We should go. I’ll walk down ahead of you this time, just in case you fall.”

“Thank you.” I touched my hands to my stomach and looked out at the mountains one last time. “Why can’t you see the mountains from the ground?”

“Too far away from down there. It’s a beautiful surprise, and one most people don’t get to see from here. Count yourself lucky.”

“Yeah, right. I bet you bring all the girls here,” I teased.

“No.” William’s lips pulled to one side. “Just you.”

Well, shit.


Day Two

My neck needed to crack.

It was a shame I didn’t know any chiropractors here, because I needed someone to manhandle my neck until it crunched in ways that didn’t seem right but felt oh-so-good.

My sofa was not made for sleeping on. Not for someone who was six-foot-tall. Just about every joint in my body hurt from what little sleep I’d had last night, but I hadn’t been able to bring myself to ask Grace if I could just sleep in the bedroom with her.


