The Rebel Guardian – Outlaw – A Thieves – Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires, Witches Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 125077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 625(@200wpm)___ 500(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

With a pop and the faintest hint of brimstone, he was gone.

“Now I’m covered in Fen hair.” Evan sighed and started brushing the sleeves of her shirt. Dark hair came off. Even as a kid Fen shed everywhere. “What was that? An earthquake? If it was, it’s over now.”

I forced myself up, looking around. We were in some kind of natural area. I wouldn’t have called it a forest, exactly, but there were trees and no signs of manmade buildings in my line of sight. “Where are we?”

“We’re right outside one of the entranceways to a cave that connects with the nest.” Evan pointed to a tall rockface. “Atlanta’s about ten miles away. They only use this route if they don’t want to come out onto city streets, but let me tell you, it’s not fun. Some real small spaces in there. But it’s considered a meet spot if anything goes wrong in the nest. Shouldn’t Eddie be back by now?”

My stomach knotted because Eddie could move quickly when he needed to. “Maybe they’re trying to get the brownies out, too. You know how the men can be until the women are safe. Or maybe they’re trying to make sure the structure is solid enough for us to come back. I would like to know what the hell just happened.”

Evan glanced around. “I don’t know. It seems perfectly calm out here. The birds are chilling. I don’t see anything that looks like it’s been displaced. Shouldn’t some of those rocks have fallen?”

She pointed at the precariously placed rocks up ahead. Yeah, they should be on the ground even in a minor quake.

But this part of the country wasn’t known for the ground shaking. “Is it something that can only be felt underground?”

Evan shook her head. “I don’t think so. We’re down, but not that far down. I know there are levels that go much lower, but where our rooms are we’re pretty close to the surface. I suppose it could have been a localized event. Maybe something exploded.”

I didn’t have my damn cell phone. Not that it likely would have worked. I hadn’t exactly been prepared for anything but a tasty breakfast. Worry started to pulse through me. Eddie should have been back with the guys by now. Even if the guys were being all heroic and shit, Eddie should have come back with some more rescues.

“Something’s wrong.” Evan glanced around again. “Something was wrong with that quake. It’s too normal out here. Animals don’t go back to normal so quickly. They hide for a while. Those squirrels are acting like nothing happened at all.”

“Well, that’s because nothing happened to them, Princess,” a dark voice said. “They’re all perfectly happy and skittering around without a care in the world. You, on the other hand, shouldn’t do that.”

I moved fast to get Evan behind me as Liv stepped from behind a tree. She was dressed for a BDSM-themed party, or maybe some weird apocalyptic future where leather and spandex were the only fabrics left in existence. “What do you want?”

“Well, I was hoping we could have an in-person chat, bestie,” Liv said. “But I was hoping to do it on my home turf this time. I’ve got some friends I’d like for you to meet.”

“I think I’ve met all your friends. I’m good with never seeing them again.” I had to get Evan out of here. We didn’t have any weapons, and Liv had all that magic.

Magic can do terrible things. Magic can curse and hurt and make you hurt others. Make you hurt yourself and smile while you’re doing it.

“Hello, Princess Evangeline. Where’s that wolf of yours?” Liv seemed intent to play with her prey.

“Somewhere trying to find me, I promise you,” Evan vowed. “And if you harm me or his mom, he won’t stop until he takes you down.”

Liv snorted. “His mom? Like Kelsey is anyone’s mom. She spent what? A couple of months with him? And then she was a dumbass who fell into a painting and left Trent holding the bag. I know it was Trent because your demon boy signed another contract as soon as he could. He always wanted to go home, Kelsey. He lied to you. Deep down he’s a demon, and Hell is where he belongs.”

This was Liv ripped down to her basest instincts. I actually didn’t blame her. Everyone has a dark side. Everyone has moments where they’re mean and pointedly cruel on the inside. Most good beings can keep those instincts under control. Liv’s were off the leash because she’d lost the piece of her soul that controlled them. Had I thought mean stuff about her? Things I would never say to her face because I knew deep down they weren’t true? Yes. I’d had them a lot. They were me projecting my own fears. So I wasn’t going to be mad at her for saying some of my greatest fears out loud. “That’s not what he says, but that’s not meaningful now. Why do you want to take me to Myrddin?”


