The Three Kings (Forsaken #3) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Dark, Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Forsaken Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 116396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

I ignored the insult. “How’s Huntley?”

“Bloodthirsty. Last time she saw him, he was about to depart for Minora. Hasn’t heard from him since. I imagine he’s taken all the Kingdoms by now…or perished.”

“Don’t say that.”

“That’s reality, Elora. Hope for the best, expect the worst.”

“Did you tell her about Bastian?”

“Yes. That’s why I’m looking for him. So, hurry up and get dressed so we can go.”

“I’ll find him and bring him to the castle.”

“Her orders were very clear—escort him to her.”

Talk about a shitty situation.

“And I don’t want you to be alone with him when you tell him this news.”

“What’s the guy gotta do for you to chill out?” I spat.

Ian glared at me. “Be alive, for starters.”

“Ian, I’ll meet you at the castle with Bastian shortly.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“Gods, can you just get out of my face for two seconds?” I pushed the chair back and carried the mug back to the sink. I tossed the contents down the drain and left the mug on the counter.

Ian got to his feet then moved back to the couch. His eyes dropped to the clothes on the floor.


He stared for a moment before he turned to me, his eyes vicious.

This was going to be bad. “Just let me get dressed—”

“You kidding me with this, Elora? Are you fucking stupid?” He raised his voice like he hadn’t before, marching toward me like he was about to pull out his sword and behead me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Calm down—”

“I’ll calm down when you pull your head out of your ass.”

“Wow…okay.” My hands moved to my hips, and I released a drawn-out sigh. “Ian, this is none of your business. You wouldn’t have even known if you hadn’t barged into my house like you own the place.”

“Thank the gods I did. You could be dead right now.”

I rolled my eyes, dramatically and ridiculously.


“Just go.”

“That pussy shit doesn’t even have the balls to—”

Bastian appeared at the bottom of the stairs right on cue, wearing his pants but bare-chested and bare-footed. His hair was ruffled from my fingers, and his jawline had that five-o’clock shadow even though it was only noon. With a hard expression, he looked at Ian, ready for my brother’s fiery wrath.

Ian somehow looked even angrier. His gaze shifted back to me. Bastian wasn’t the only one he wanted to murder. “I know you’ve done a lot of stupid shit in your lifetime, but this has to be the dumbest thing—by far.”

“Just get out, Ian.”

Bastian continued to stand there, unapologetic with his gaze.

Ian stormed toward the door. “I’m stabbing this motherfucker in the heart when he leaves.” He walked out and slammed the door behind him.

I let out a heavy sigh as my fingers massaged my temple. “Oh gods…”

Bastian moved for the coffeepot and poured himself a mug. “I warned you.”

“You warned me that you might kill me. Not that my brother would catch us.”

He took a drink as he stood at the counter. “I warned you this was a bad idea.”

“It didn’t feel like a bad idea last night.” I turned my body and leaned against the counter, looking at him head on. “And it still doesn’t feel like a bad idea.”

He held my stare as he stood in front of me, tight skin over strong muscles, his eyes quiet and mysterious.

It didn’t matter how wrong this was. It felt right. Had always felt right.

“I’m not worth it, Elora.”

“Worth what?”

“Dividing your family.”

“You aren’t doing anything. Ian is just being a brat.”

“His horror is justified.”

“No, it’s not.” I shook my head before I dug my hand into my hair. “You would never hurt me.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to—and that’s bad enough.”

After we bathed and got ready for the day, we walked out the front door.

Ian was there like he said he would be. He pulled his sword out of his scabbard and faced off with Bastian.

Bastian didn’t reach for his and continued his slow walk, his arms relaxed at his sides, not the least bit provoked by the angry man who wanted his head on a pike.

I rolled my eyes so hard. “Ian, knock it off.”

Ian kept his eyes on his opponent and ignored me.

“I mean it.”

Bastian stopped when he was near, but he still didn’t arm himself.

“We never should have agreed to this.” Ian rushed him, his blade slashing.

Bastian still didn’t move.

I withdrew my sword and met Ian’s. I launched an attack and drove him back. “You’re acting like a child. Stop it. You were the king of HeartHolme, and now you’re an embarrassment to the position. Bastian has given us the means to protect our army if Huntley doesn’t return with the dragons. He’s the reason we actually have a chance to survive this war. Knock it off.”

Ian continued to hold his blade, and his eyes shifted past my shoulder to the enemy that stood behind me. My words obviously meant nothing to him because he faked to his left then jumped to the right to get around me.


