The Top Dog – Part 1 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #1) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 109178 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Grandpa’s eyes turned to dark slits. “You told me that you wanted to go your own way. I stopped the automatic deposits to your account as soon as you said that. Took back the cars and motorcycles I gave you.”

“You can’t buy me. You can’t buy loyalty, either.”

“You never knew what was good for you. Stubborn for no reason. Just to defy me. Your father tried to talk sense into you, and you all but spat in his face. You’re a disgrace. A Mama’s boy. What do you do now? Make peanuts at some fucking dance club?” He smirked, shaking his head as if disgusted.

“I’m a personal trainer and bouncer.”

“You were destined for more.”

“I already am more…”

“What a pity and a waste.” Grandpa placed his cigar in a large black ashtray, then opened one of his desk drawers. He pulled out an old, worn dirt brown Bible and flipped through it. “The fifth commandment declares, ‘Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.’ That’s from Exodus 20:12. This commandment is repeated throughout the old and new testaments, boy.” He closed the Bible and set it aside. “Your father told you what was expected, and you disobeyed. All of you did!” He slammed his fist against the desk.

“I have over forty, living grandchildren. Some of them are not eligible to work for me, mostly because they’re inept or deficient in some capacity. Several have passed away, others are still in their teen years which makes them disqualified. You seven were hand-selected by me, but have decided to challenge your lot in life. You are the troublemakers of this brood. Not your brothers or sisters. Just YOU. Lennox, your stubbornness ends today. I’m the only bull in this corral. You were going to be my right hand. My top dog. I nicknamed you top dog when you were a little boy, and it stuck. I expect you to live up to that strong name. Jasper, hand this boy his offer. A deal of a lifetime.”

Jasper walked to a shelf and removed a large white envelope. He handed it to Lennox, then returned to where he’d been standing. Lennox looked at the envelope, but didn’t open it. Instead, he slid it under his chair.

Grandpa turned his attention to his cousin sitting next to him.

“Roman, you’re the black sheep of this family. Nothin’ like any of us. A disgrace. You showed no interest in getting dirty. Doing the heavy lifting. You’re an ex-Marine, and a sorry one at that. You think you’re too damn pretty to play ball.” Roman sat in his chair and leisurely ran his long fingers through his jet black, perfectly coiffed tresses. The smirk on his face was growing bigger. “Look at you… You’re an arrogant, obnoxious, silly know-it-all with an affinity for getting under my fuckin’ skin. Fucking clown.”

“Really? I didn’t cause the wrinkles and liver spots. I promise.”

Grandpa ignored him and continued. “I had no idea what to do with you initially, but realized that your charisma, sharp wit, deviousness, and physical attractiveness that gets the ladies’ attention could work well in my negotiations team. Instead, you used that charm and those GQ good looks to get one over on high rollers and take people for a ride, just for the pure fun of it! You’re slick, and you’re only in love with yourself, and money. You like to play with people…hurt them for fun. Well, playtime is over, pretty boy. It’s time for you to be court martialed.”

Grandpa snapped his fingers and Jasper was soon handing Roman his own envelope. Roman didn’t open his, either. Grandpa then set his eyes on Kage…

“And now, I come to the biggest gotdamn thorn in my side. My first-born grandson. I had such high hopes for you, Kage, but after all of your shenanigans, you moved clear across the state when it was time for you to join me. You hid away so that no one could even find you. You should never hide from family.”

“I wasn’t hidin’ from family, old man. I was hidin’ from you.” Kage spit on the floor and crossed his long arms.

“Is that so? Nobody can hide from me, Kage. Not even you, you strange, demented fucker.”

“You ain’t no kin to me. I disowned you long ago.” Kage boldly met Grandpa’s eyes.

“What you did all of those years ago was against nature, and you know it. It was befitting I suppose, seeing as you’re a natural outdoorsman. I should have shot you right between the eyes when I was told that you’d come to murder me in my sleep when you were only thirteen! You’re a mentally disturbed bastard!”

“And proud of it.”

“You should have been ineligible, but damn if you didn’t have so much potential! Nobody shoots like you… You too were destined to the Zoo department. Instead, you dodged me like my first name was Draft. You’re the lone wolf who sneaks about and slips around like the slimeball you are. I used to call you a wolf as a boy. You were always on the prowl. Hunting. Peering around corners. Watching. Looking for your next prey. I hate you, but damn if I don’t like some of your foul ways. You’re a wild beast. It’s in your blood. You can’t help yourself. Wilde wolves roam free.”


