The Top Dog – Part 1 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #1) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 109178 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Kage smirked, then laughed. That laugh turned into an echoing cackle.

“I told you already—you ain’t family, old man. Just blood. There’s a difference,” Kage said in indignation. “I work alone. If I’m a wolf, then I’m a lone wolf. These men on either side of me are my cousins. They’re family. I’m more like a big brother to them than a cousin. It was me that told ’em they ain’t have to listen to you.”

“Yes, I know. You poisoned the well…”

“The well was poisoned as soon as you were in charge. From my understanding, our ancestors were poor, but they were honorable and happy before the likes of you. Ain’t nothing wrong with wealth, but I don’t want it if I have to deal with you. These men beside me are the true soldiers. We’re all different, but we all saw through your bullshit. We stood up to you. Had a backbone. I’ve only made one mistake when it comes to you, Grandpa.”

“And what’s that?”

“I shouldn’t’ve told that weak son of a bitch my plans that night. He warned you I was comin’. If I’d been able to blow your miserable brains out when I was a child all of them years ago, we’d all be free of you right now, and none of this would be happening. Just one shot.” He held up one finger and grinned. “That’s all I needed. As you said, I’m a great marksman. Satan saved your ass that day.”

“You too have been demonstrating arrogance as of late. Been around Roman too much I see. Because of me, you’re still alive.” Grandpa pointed at himself. “Because of me, you can also be dead, Kage. There’s no expiration date for a much-needed murder. Your mother’s pleas be damned. Don’t you ever forget it. Jasper! Give this slippery snot ball his deal, please.”

Grandpa shifted in his seat and glared at Phoenix.

“Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix.” His cousin Phoenix sat up straight and clasped his hands. He was tall, slender, but muscular about the arms. Phoenix’s dark brown feathered hair framed his face and rested in layers along his shoulders. His thick beard was perfectly trimmed. The man’s almond shaped, light golden-brown gaze seized Grandpa’s, and his lips curled into a wicked smile. “Boy, your pride is what you got you in trouble. You and I were workin’ out just fine, and then I asked you to do something that you believed beneath you. Before I knew it, you’d jumped ship. You, like Roman, are charismatic, but you’ve got an ego problem, boy. You tried to confront me. Challenge me. Somehow believing you should be in charge. Just like Lucifer with God. There can only be one master, and you ain’t it.”

“I cast myself out of hell, ’cause it damn sure wasn’t heaven. I think you’ve gotten us mixed up, Grandpa, because you damn sure are Lucifer.” Phoenix’s teeth showed ever so slightly, as if he was preparing to take a big bite out of something begging to be devoured.

Grandpa grabbed his Bible once again, and flipped through it. “Luke 10:18, from the King James Version… ‘And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven!’ Phoenix, you fell from grace. I only want you back because you owe me. You were part of my surveillance crew in the Zoo, but it’s me that needs to watch you with both eyes open. Jasper, take care of him. Hand him his envelope.” He closed the Bible, then turned to the next cousin in line.

“Maddock. You, like Lennox, were to be a head honcho in the Zoo. Physical muscle. Instead, you chose the fast life. Heavy booze. Drugs. Tawdry, cheap women. Everything with you is in excess! Flashy, flashy, flashy!” Maddock was still wearing his infamous dark shades, which made it a bit hard to read what he may have been thinking at that moment. “I know that you and Roman like to hang out and get into vile, grotesque activities together. Two charlatans painting the town, so to speak. You could have been somethin’… as big as you are. You’ve always been fuckin’ big! Not strapping like Lennox, but just… huge! You moved too slow though, but did well on the wrestling team. Football. You were wayward. Unfocused. Bad grades in school. Nonchalant and lazy attitude. You’re a glutton! Now I hear you’re some big time DJ. How embarrassing. A grandson of mine makin’ horrible music for people high on drugs to tap a foot to! What is that shit called? Rap music? Hip Hop? It’s God awful!”

“You don’t have to listen to it, Grandpa.” Maddock yawned.

“Oh… so the elephant finally speaks? That’s right, another Zoo member that defected from duty. You’re the fucking elephant in the room, but right here, right now, I’m definitely talking about you, you son of a bitch!” Maddock sighed, but nothing more. “All of those tattoos,” Grandpa hissed in disgust. “You look like a fucking comic book. Don’t you have anything to say for yourself? You’re probably high right now as we speak. What about your son? What kinda example are you setting for him?”


