The Viper – Black Dagger Brotherhood – Prison Camp Read Online J.R. Ward

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 113936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 570(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

“And greetings to you as well,” he said as he had to keep on going.

He knew there were things they wanted to ask him, but now was not the time—and even if it was, he didn’t think he could answer the questions they had. He couldn’t even answer his own.

On that note, he couldn’t really think straight at all. His mind was churning over the implications of what he had done under the guise of helping his female. That he hadn’t known feeding her was dangerous was bullshit.

But really, he should have guessed. He had seen anatomy disintegrate as the result of his bite. He just hadn’t been thinking properly—

No, he thought as that final turn in the trail presented itself. His problem was that he’d been thinking too much about other things.

Like a fantasy future that could not be.

As he entered the clearing with the crackling fire pit and its circle of log benches, he looked off to the side. The hut was right where it had been, and he felt a surge of relief. This was going to be okay, he told himself—the old female was going to fix this. She was going to take care of everything.

On the approach, he started to jog, but when Nadya moaned, he slowed down. The hut had its flap down, and he tried to visualize the old female in there, by the fire, by the stream—

His feet faltered. The stream.

Just as the thought entered his mind, the heavy bolt of cloth covering the shelter’s entrance was swept aside and the one person in the world he wanted to see emerged.

The white-haired female stepped out. Tonight, she was in sunflower yellow, her hair braided into a thick rope that lay down the front of her.

Her eyes did not go to Nadya. She just stared into Kane’s face.

When he opened his mouth, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help her.”

“Wh-what—you have to.” He held his arms out in desperation, and then captured the edge of the towel he’d wrapped his female in to keep it in place. “I need your help.”

“There is nothing I can do—”

“Please—she’s dying!”

“I cannot—”

“You can save her, like you saved me!”

The old female shook her head. “There is only one of the energy, and you were chosen to be asked. After which you chose to accept.”

Kane opened his mouth to argue, but then the heat emanating off of Nadya’s fragile body refocused him.

“Please,” he begged. “Help her.”

The old female reached out and moved part of the towel back. When she saw what was under the covering, she went still.

“Who hurt this child?” the mystical female whispered.

“He’s dead.”


The old female softly stroked Nadya’s cheek. “Bring her inside.”

“Thank you,” he said as he ducked down.

Inside the hut, he went to the pallet he’d been on—

No, it had been a coffin. He’d been lying in a coffin.

Shaking his head to clear it, he knelt and laid Nadya out on the blankets. “Here you go. You’re safe and we have aid now.”

Then he fell back on his ass and tried not to lose it.

The old female put her hand on his shoulder. “You care for her very much.”

“She helped me.”

“She is your healer.”

He nodded and brushed his fingertips over the patches of soft hair on Nadya’s head. “She’s the reason I’m alive, and when she was looking so weak, I gave her my vein—”

“You did what?”

Glaring at the old female, he said, “Okay, so everybody else seems to know this. Great. You’d think it would have come up in conversation last night.”

“You fed her.”

Kane rubbed his aching eyes. “Here’s an idea. Next time you do what you did to me? Lead with a helpful tip like that.”

“Poor, sweet child.” The old woman touched Nadya’s scarred face. “And she’s so hot.”

“I put her in the shower. You know, under the cold water, to try to cool her down.”

“You did the right thing with that.”

He caught the female’s arm. “Please, help her. You owe me this and you know it.”

* * *

With a sense of awe, Callum stood off to the side with the vampires as their friend disappeared into the Gray Wolf’s hut with the female. And while the other males spoke in hushed voices, he wanted to yell at them to shut up and pay attention. Pay some respect.

They had no idea what a rarity it was, that the Gray Wolf presented herself as corporeal, that she welcomed anybody into her place of repose. That she was willing to be of aid.

But then that was his clan’s spiritual tradition. Not the vampires’.

“What the hell happened to him?”

It was a hot minute before he realized he was being addressed, and as he swung his eyes away from the Gray Wolf’s shelter, he wasn’t sure what to tell his cousin, Lucan.

“It’s true, then,” the male prompted. “The Viper has taken him.”


