Titan Read online Shantel Tessier (Dark Kings #1)

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Dark Kings Series by Shantel Tessier

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

He smirks. “I’ll prove it to you.” He reaches down, grabs the silk fabric, and rips my dress, making me gasp.

“I loved that dress.”

“I’ll buy you ten more.” His lips meet mine as his hands grip my thighs, and he lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around him.


I wish what I had said to her was a lie, but it wasn’t. I’ve thought about nothing other than her since he requested her on a date.

What would she do for money?

I know how desperate she was. How she begged Bones and me to help her. What would she do with a stranger who would pay her anything?

Carrying her back into my bedroom, I push her off me and her back lands on my bed. Her ripped black dress barely hangs on her thin body. Her hard nipples press against the black silk. She stares up at me and licks her lips as her eyes drop to my slacks. My dick is as hard as stone, and you can clearly see the outline of it. I reach down and undo my belt. She sits up, propping herself on her elbows.

“You never answered my question.”

“Hmm?” She bites her bottom lip, eyes still on my slacks, watching me carefully as I lower my zipper.

“Did he touch you?”

Her eyes trail up over my button-down and meet mine. “No.” She makes her way to her knees. “He didn’t touch me.” Her hands go to my shirt, and she starts to unbutton it. “You look disappointed.”

I grip her wrists, stopping her actions. “I …”

“You think I’d whore myself out?” She tilts her head to the side.

“I think you’re desperate.”

She throws her head back and lets out a laugh that makes her boobs bounce. My hands itch to rip what’s left of that dress off her. “Aren’t we all desperate for something?” she asks.

My brows pull together. “What does that mean?”

“What have you always wanted, Titan?” Before I answer, she goes on. “What have you always wanted that you would do anything for?”

I don’t even have to think about it. “You.” The answer is that simple, and as long as I’ve tried to ignore it, she knows I wanted her, but she had chosen Bones. And now? It doesn’t matter. I’ll make her mine tonight and face the consequences for that tomorrow.

She pulls her wrists free of my hands and holds her arms out wide. “Well, here I am. The question is, what are you going to do with me?”

This is it. I should tell her no. That it just won’t work. If she hadn’t fucked my friend for all those years, then I would take her up on this offer. But she did, so I can’t. Instead, I hear myself say, “Whatever I want.”

She gives me a big smile. Lifting her hands, she rips my shirt open instead of taking her time with the buttons.

I grab the hem of her dress and pull the ripped fabric off her legs and toss the remains to the floor. She kicks off her heels, and I yank her underwear down her legs. My lips find hers frantically. I can taste the alcohol in her kiss, and I swallow her in hopes to get drunk. “Lie on your stomach,” I mumble against them.

She does as I say, and my cock jerks when my eyes land on her ass. I yank all the pillows off the bed and throw them to the floor as well. Then I slap her ass. “Put it up in the air.”

She moans, arching her back, and pulls her knees up underneath her, giving me a great view of her shaved, soaking wet pussy.

I shove the shirt off my shoulders and kick off my shoes and slacks. Then I crawl onto the bed behind her and use my knees to spread hers farther apart. My hands run up her smooth thighs, over her round ass and up her back before tangling into her hair.

She hisses in a breath when I yank it back off the bed. Leaning over, I whisper in her ear, “Do you know how long I’ve fantasized about you like this?”

“Titan …” She whimpers.

“So fucking long,” I answer, telling her the truth.

Letting go of her hair, I watch as her head falls to the bed. I grab my hard cock and stroke it a few times while running my free hand over her pussy, smearing her wetness.

She reaches between her legs to finger herself, but I slap her pussy with my hand.

She cries out, her body jerking.

“That’s all mine, baby.” Then I push into her without warning.

“Oh, God …”

Leaning over her back, I slide my arms under her shoulders and up over her head, locking my fingers together behind her neck. The position buries her head into the mattress while restraining her arms above her head at the same time.


