Titan Read online Shantel Tessier (Dark Kings #1)

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Dark Kings Series by Shantel Tessier

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“Yeah.” She picks up her phone and nudges Jasmine’s shoulders for her to slide out so that Haven may leave.

Jasmine crawls out, and Luca takes Haven’s hand. “I’ll call you later, Titan.”

“Sounds good.” I wave him off, then look at Em. “You ready to go too?”

She tilts her head to the side. “Where are we going?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Paris,” Jasmine answers.

Emilee laughs. “I think he was talking to me.”

“What happened to the more, the merrier?”

“I’ve always liked that saying.” Bones speaks as he plops down next to Jasmine.

Emilee ducks her head, but I don’t miss the smile that covers her face. This is the first time that the three of us have been together since we both slept with her. I don’t know if she’s embarrassed or just uncomfortable about the situation. But I’m not.

I hate to admit it, but I’m jealous when it comes to Emilee York. I would cut off a man’s hand if he so much as touched her. But Bones? I don’t mind it. Because I know that no matter what happens between Em and me, he would protect her with his life. And I wouldn’t even have to tell him what she means to me. He’d do it because he loves her. Even if he won’t admit it.

“Me too,” Jasmine agrees with Bones, then looks at me. “So where are you taking us?”

“I’m not taking you anywhere,” I answer.

Jasmine always was a flirt, but she’s harmless. We had sex once back in high school. I was drunk. She was high. It was a mistake that we both agreed to never repeat.

“Thought you didn’t sleep with a queen?” Sandy asks, looking at me.

The table falls silent. Sandy had overheard my conversation with Whitney in my office. When she had asked if I sampled the product.

“I don’t,” I answer, looking her in the eyes.

She frowns but drops it.

Emilee is not a queen. Not in the way Sandy sees her. Em can do as many jobs as she wants, but she’s only going to do the ones that guarantee she keeps her clothes on. Bones and I will be the only men she fucks.


I open the door to my suite, and Emilee enters. I shut and lock it behind me.

“What did Sandy mean by you don’t sleep with Queens?” she asks the moment we’re alone. “Where would she have heard that?”

I undo the top button of my button-down. “The day she came into my office to audition for a queen, another girl asked if I sampled the product. And I told her no.” I’m not going to lie to her. I have nothing to hide.

She turns to face me and places her hands on her hips. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I don’t.”

She frowns. “I’m a queen.”

“And?” I shrug my shirt off my shoulders. Her eyes go to my chest and then fall to my hands as I undo my belt.

“And we’ve had sex.”

Cute. “Having.”

“Huh?” She licks her lips while I lower my zipper.

“We’re having sex,” I state and kick off my shoes.

“I’m a queen.”

“We’ve established that.” I shove my pants down my legs along with my boxers. My cock isn’t hard, but it won’t take much. Just looking at the way she stares at it is doing the job. She seems to be in a daze. I bet her pussy is already wet.

“And we have sex.”

I reach out, grab her hand, and pull her body into mine. “Why are you still dressed?” I run my hands up and over her ass, gripping her jeans.

“I’m trying …”

“Shh.” I place my hand over her mouth. “Quit thinking about it. It doesn’t matter.”

“But it does.” She pulls away from me. “Are you breaking some rule by sleeping with me?”

“I’m the boss. I can do whatever I want.” All the Kings break the rules at some point. That’s how you succeed.

She snorts. “Spoken like a true gentleman.”

I arch a brow. “Is that what you want? A gentleman? Because I promise you, what I’m about to do to you is not something a gentleman would do.”

“I’m serious, Titan,” she growls.

“I’m standing before you naked, and you want to argue with me?” I ask, starting to get irritated. I don’t have a lot of time.

“I want to know how many queens you’ve actually fucked because you’re their boss and can do whatever you want.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

I open my mouth to say none, but she continues. “And how many have you and Bones shared?”

I don’t know why her words piss me off, but they do. Maybe because I expected her to see me differently. Maybe I expected her to understand the connection between the three of us. Either way, stepping into her, I say the first thing that comes to my mind. “You didn’t think you were special, did you?”


