Top Secret Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: College, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)

“So?” Despite my attempt to sound casual, my pulse has sped up. He’s spitting out all these dirty, dirty things, and God help me, but it’s turning me on.

“So that’s not right,” he shoots back. “I don’t want you knowing this shit about me. I don’t trust you not to use it against me. I don’t trust you, and I don’t like you, and if I’d known you were SinnerThree, I never would’ve—”

“Never would’ve told me what a hot dick I have?” I taunt.

“Fuck you—”

“Fuck me, yes,” I interrupt, laughing darkly. “That’s exactly what you wanted to do, remember, Keaton? You wanted to fuck me. You wanted me to fuck you. You wanted me. You wanted this—”

I grab him by the back of the neck and kiss him.

One More Thing


A hot mouth suddenly latches onto mine.

Holy motherfucking shit.

He’s kissing me. Luke Bailey is kissing me, and my brain can’t make sense of it. Why is his tongue sliding inside my mouth like it belongs there?

Growling, I push at his chest. “What the hell—” But I stop talking, because his rock-hard body doesn’t so much as budge thanks to my shove, and now my palms are pressed up against the tightest set of pecs I’ve ever felt.

Hell, the only set of pecs I’ve ever felt.

Bailey’s body is unreal. And now the asshole’s tongue is in my mouth again. I groan in surprise as pleasure jolts through me, and I swear I hear him chuckle, or maybe he’s groaning too. I don’t know. I’m too out of it. Too turned on, and too confused.

I’m gasping for air by the time I manage to wrench my mouth away. It’s three in the morning and I’m drunk off my ass. That’s the only reasonable explanation for what just happened here.

“Why’d you stop?” Bailey pants. “Go get your girl and let’s go. You know you want to.” His gaze is a lust-filled challenge.

“She dumped me,” I blurt out. Or, rather, the vodka does.

His eyes widen. “Come again?”

“She dumped me. First she changed her mind about the threesome. And then after I sent you away, she said, ‘Keaton, I was only trying to spice up our sex life because I think it’s run its course. Let’s just be friends.’”

I feel a stab right in my heart just saying it out loud. Annika thinks we’re not hot together anymore.

“Jesus. I’m sorry, man.” Weirdly, he sounds like he means it.

And I still can’t shut up. “She said, ‘you weren’t supposed to get so excited about sex with other people. You were just supposed to get more excited about sex with me.’”

“That’s bullshit,” Bailey sputters. “Then why did she suggest it? I thought the whole thing was her idea.”

“It was.” I sit down on the edge of his bed, because standing up isn’t working for me so well. And, fuck. The plaid bedspread—it’s the one from the video he sent me. It was here all the time. I could have known it was him if I was a little more observant.

“That’s cold,” he remarks.

When I glance up at him again, he’s pulling on a pair of sweatpants. Which means I just missed a view of his bare ass.

Fuck me. I missed it.

“Maybe it’s just a fight?” he asks, pulling a T-shirt over his muscular torso. “Maybe you two will kiss and make up in the morning.”

“I don’t know. She did that thing where she implied that if I was really paying attention, I would have understood that the threesome was a cry for help. ‘I just wanted you to spice things up,’ she said. ‘I thought you would counter-offer the threesome.’”

“Counter-offer?” Luke repeats.

“Yeah, like bring in another girl instead. Or some role-play. I don’t know.” I stand up again because sitting on Bailey’s bed is a bad idea. I’ve got to go sleep off this vodka. “All I know is I did love her. And it wasn’t my idea to break up. But she says I don’t thrill her anymore, and I don’t know how you come back from that.”

“Does she still thrill you?” Bailey asks.

I’m too drunk to keep the wince off my face. “Sometimes. Sure.” But it’s just dawning on me that sexting with SinnerThree was about the most exciting thing that happened to me in the bedroom.

Isn’t that just sad?

“Well…” Bailey clears his throat. “Deep breaths.”

“I should…” I make a vague motion toward my own room.

“Yeah,” he agrees. “Hey, I meant it, Hayworth. I’d never say a word. know.” He lifts his phone off his desk to indicate what he means.

“Uh, thanks. I won’t say anything, either.” I measure the serious expression on his face, and I decide that he’s telling the truth. And then it hits me that I had my tongue in his mouth a few minutes ago. Did that seriously happen?

And, Jesus, did I really like it so much? I did, damn it. And now I’m staring.


