Top Secret Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: College, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)

“Punish you?” My voice cracks on the words, because it’s late and…

Fine, I like that idea a whole lot. Sue me. I close his bedroom door and lock it.

When I turn around, he’s grinning at me, like he just won some kind of bet with himself.

“Smug is not a good look on you,” I say, moving to stand over him. “Take off my towel.”

“It is too a good look on me.” He props himself up on an elbow in a big hurry. Then he reaches out and gives my towel a quick tug. “Aw, look who wants my body,” he says as my semi bobs into view.

“Shut up.” I put a knee on the bed. “I have something better you can do with your mouth.” I palm the back of his neck and give him a destabilizing tug.

In a flash I’ve knelt in front of him at just the right height. “Oh, shit,” he breathes as I wind my fingers into his hair, pulling him toward me.

Just the way he’s looking at me—his eyelids heavy with both curiosity and lust—gets me to full mast by the time I feel his breath on my sensitive skin. “Let’s have that smart mouth do something useful,” I say as his tongue makes its first pass across my shaft.

And good God, the view! Keaton’s aristocratic face descending toward my cock. He moans quietly as he opens his mouth and experiments with taking the head inside.

I break out in a sweat as his tongue tastes me. And I bite my lip as he hollows out his cheeks and sucks. My fingers tangle in his soft hair as he slowly bobs up and down, looking for a rhythm.

“Good…boy,” I gasp. I thought I was tired. But hello, adrenaline. I catch myself moving slowly to the song. My song. Keaton’s big hand finds my hip as he angles his face to take more of me.

This beats the snot out of my usual Friday-night routine.

He doesn’t try to deep-throat me, but he doesn’t hesitate to use one hand to play with my balls. He does this casually, like maybe he’s spent a lot of time thinking about how much he wants to taste my cock.

I’m in awe that this is actually happening. A little too in awe, maybe. After just a couple of minutes of the star treatment, I feel my climax gathering like a storm. But I’m wide awake and feeling greedy now. I’m not ready for this to end. So I nudge him off me, and he looks up with wild, hungry eyes. “Not good?” he asks roughly.

“Too good,” I assure him, running a hand through his unruly hair that I’ve already messed up. “What are you down for?”

“Honestly? Anything.”

I lift his handsome chin. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”

“What if I do?” He rolls onto his back, his expression an odd mixture of shy and confident. “I have condoms and lube.”

“Seriously?” A wave of heat rolls through my body. “You want me to top you?”

“Yeah, I do. And quickly.” He bends one knee, the invitation unmistakable. “Before we both figure out how awkward this will get later.”

He’s not wrong. And maybe if it wasn’t two in the morning, and I wasn’t hard as a crowbar I would make a different call. The whole setup is irresistible. Hot frat brother who wants to be fucked? They make gay porn like this because real life doesn’t actually work this way.

Except tonight it does.

Keaton reaches one of those muscular arms out to yank open the nightstand. And I’m already there, spreading my body out on top of his massive chest, reaching into the drawer. My hand closes around a bottle and a strip of condoms, and I drop them onto the bed beside our bodies.

His hands are busy doing other things, like coasting over my ass and pulling me closer. I lower my mouth to his in a blistering kiss. He grunts happily, and I take advantage of his parting lips, finding his tongue with mine. Christ, I like kissing him. Our cocks line up together. I love how hard he is for me.

I want to flip him over and drill him hard, but I don’t do that. This is his first time, so I opt for a slow approach, stroking my hands over his body as we kiss. I lightly tease the crease of his ass. And although my fingers are gentle, my words are rough and dirty. “You ready for my dick to fill this sweet ass?”

“Yes,” he chokes out.

“Are you gonna freak out tomorrow?”

“Dunno,” he pants, kissing me again. “I’ll just deal with that tomorrow.”

Okay, then. His eagerness is such a turn-on. I grab the condom, prepping myself, but I don’t fuck him yet. I get him ready, sliding a lube-covered finger into his tight passage. I tease and explore, and he’s gasping for air by the time I add a second finger.


