Top Secret Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: College, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)

I remain seated. “You okay?” I ask cautiously.

He gives a slow shake of his head.

Fuck. I open my mouth, armed with an apology, but he cuts me off with a strangled groan.

“I want to be pissed off at you. I really do. Because this is so fucking extra. One dinner would’ve been a sufficient birthday present. Actually, way more than sufficient. But dinner and two nights at this fancy hotel and a beer festival and a concert? Are you out of your mind?”

Once again, I open my mouth to tell him that all Hayworths like to party. It’s just in our blood. Our annual beach barbecue is legendary.

But once again, he speaks first. “I’m not pissed,” he says helplessly. “I’m not pissed, because do you realize that the last time anybody remembered my birthday, let alone celebrated it, was back in high school?”

I frown. “Not even your family?”

Luke laughs bitterly. “Especially them. The last time my mother wished me a happy birthday was when I turned sixteen.” He shakes his head a few times. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“But you’re not pissed,” I hedge.

“Not much. I’m fucking touched, okay? Even if I want to punch you for making me feel this way—hey! Wipe that grin off your face! This isn’t funny.”

I press my lips together to fight my amusement. “No, it’s kinda funny.”

Bailey’s trademark scowl twists his sexy mouth. I notice his fists are clenched to his sides, and more laughter bubbles in my throat. I want to tease him about this, or maybe just assure him that it’s okay to feel moved, that he’s allowed to accept this gift, but I don’t want to push him any more than I already have.

So I hop off the mattress and give his ass a little smack. “All right, you done bitching? Because I’m hungry for steak.”

Dinner is great. The company is even better. Bailey and I somehow down two bottles of wine, so we’re tipsy for most of our meals. The waitress knows it, and teases us about our growing intoxication. And by the time I sign the receipt slip with our room number, I’m rocking a semi, because for me, drunk = horny.

Ergo, I have my tongue in Luke’s mouth before he can even close the door to the suite.

“You are the most sex-starved person I’ve ever met,” he mutters against my greedy mouth.

“You love it,” I mumble back. I’m already clawing at his clothes.

He squeezes my ass and guides me backward toward the bed. Then I’m flat on my back and he’s on top of me, and we’re making out hardcore. His fingers fumble with my zipper, yanking it down as his tongue fills my mouth and robs me of sanity.

But through the haze of lust, I register the persistent chime of my cell phone. I’d left it in the room when we were at dinner, and it isn’t on silent or vibrate.

“Ugh, let me shut that off,” I groan against Luke’s lips. “It’s gonna annoy me.”

“Hurry,” he growls, then rolls onto his back and rubs his erection through his pants.

Grinning, I dive off the bed toward the desk. I plan on switching the phone to silent mode, but the notifications on the lock screen catch my eye. Two missed calls from my father. Which normally I’d just ignore. But he also sent a text after his calls weren’t answered, and what I read before the notification cuts off is enough to trigger my internal alarm.

Dad: I assume congratulations are in order! I just saw the hotel charges on your…[read more]

I glance at the bed, where Luke is totally eye-fucking me. “Hey, sorry, I need to read this message.”

Luke flicks up an eyebrow. “Something important?”

“I’m not sure. Right now it’s just confusing.” I unlock the home screen to scan the rest of Dad’s text.

When I’m done, I’m fuming so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if Luke commented on the steam rolling out of my ears.

Dad: I assume congratulations are in order! I just saw the hotel charges on your credit statement, and your mother points out that it must mean you and Annika are back on track. We are both thrilled to hear it, son!

No need to phone me back tonight. I assume you and Annika are busy enjoying your weekend away. But we have to speak when you return. There’s also a credit card charge for an application fee for a summer program? That had better not interfere with the finance internship you promised to do. Call me tomorrow.

“Everything okay?” Luke calls.

I realize I’ve just been standing here like a marble statue, glowering at my phone.

“No,” I retort. “It’s not.” I turn and march to the bed, where I drop the iPhone in Luke’s hand. “Can you believe this man?”

Luke skims the message. His eyebrows shoot up again, and he gives me an incredulous look. “He checks your credit card statements?”


