Top Secret Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: College, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)

LobsterShorts: I should go. I need to be up at six tomorrow. Just wanted to say a quick good night.

SinnerThree: Big day planned?

LobsterShorts: I hope so! We dropped anchor four days ago and still no Big Willy sighting. Tomorrow will be the day!

SinnerThree: God. You are such a dork. Good luck!

I power off my phone and tuck it inside the desk drawer, then burrow my body under the thin covers and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

The next morning, everyone is back in expedition mode. According to reports, the mysterious orca species we’re hunting was spotted at these coordinates less than a week ago. Several accounts describe seeing a small pod of killer whales. One actually swam close to the fishing vessels, and two fishermen reported that the whale looked smaller than usual, with a narrow, pointy dorsal fin not normally seen on your typical orca.

I’ve been calling our elusive friend Big Willy. But once again, Willy and his crew are determined to remain hidden.

I can’t complain, though. I’m standing on the bow of a 155-foot research vessel, with the sun shining down on my face. Sure, it’s windy out, but today it’s more of a warm breeze as opposed to a cool gust. Next to me, Mateo is using a sharp switchblade to peel off pieces of a mango.

“Are you excited to go home and see your friend?” he asks as he pops a piece of fruit into his mouth.

He always refers to Luke as my “friend.” I don’t think he’s homophobic, nor does he seem uncomfortable with the idea that I was dating a man before we embarked on this voyage. So I always let it slide.

“I don’t know if I will,” I admit. “It’s the summer, and usually I stay at our house in Easthampton. Luke is somewhere in Hoboken.”

“Then you should go to Hoboken and shack up.” The breeze snakes under Mateo’s shoulder-length brown hair, rustling the long strands.

I snort. “My dad will kill me if I miss the annual Hayworth barbecue.”

“Then go after that. You want to see him, don’t you?”

“Of course.” So much that my heart hurts. But since I left, Luke hasn’t once mentioned us seeing each other again.

“Then go.” Mateo gobbles down another piece of mango. “Make the first move.”

I mull over the advice for the rest of the morning, but reach no conclusions. If I’m being honest, I don’t want to make the first move. I already made it before I left. I tried talking to him, connecting with him, reaching out to him. He pushed me away.

And since I’ve been gone, I’ve messaged him every single day. I’ve made it more than clear that I’m thinking about him and that I miss him. That I want us to be a couple, a real committed couple, when I return.

And he’s distant.

So why should I be the one to fight for us? And is there even a point in fighting for someone who doesn’t want to love you?

The following morning is more of the same. No Big Willy sightings, so Doc VanBoerk organizes a dive to observe a school of Patagonian toothfish. Which is so fucking fascinating that I’m grinning from ear to ear by the time I’m hauling off my SCUBA gear.

I can’t believe I almost got pressured into a finance internship at Hayworth Harper Pharmaceuticals. To think, I would have missed seeing the Patagonian toothfish!

I’m so pumped that I message Luke via Kink the second I’m back in my bunk. Although it’s the middle of a workday, he responds swiftly. In fact, the last few days his replies have been quick and reliable. It’s almost enough to get my hopes up. Almost.

SinnerThree: I have so many geek jokes I could make right now. But…I’m just going to say, congratulations on catching a toothfish?

I’m aghast as I type, Catching?? Are you insane, Bailey? We were just observing. No fish were harmed in the making of this expedition.

SinnerThree: LOLOL I guess it’s probably not a good idea to catch a toothfish. They have teeth, I assume?

LobsterShorts: Pointy ones.

SinnerThree: Christ. Yeah. Stay away from that nightmare. I would never, ever eat something called a toothfish.

LobsterShorts: I hate to break it to you, but… You already have.

SinnerThree: What! Explain yourself!

I’m shaking with laughter as I compose a response. Fuck, I’ve missed this so much.

LobsterShorts: The Patagonian toothfish has an alias. Also goes by the name Chilean seabass. Which is what I believe you ordered at the restaurant in Stonington?

I immediately regret bringing up our weekend at the hotel. That’s when Luke got arrested and everything fell apart for us. Shit. He’s definitely going to bail now.

To my surprise, he doesn’t.

SinnerThree: Seriously? That was the best fish I ever had! Why does it have two names?

LobsterShorts: Because some fisherman back in the day decided the toothfish needed a name that sounded more enticing to the American fish market. He went with Chilean seabass.


