Toxic Game Read online Christine Feehan (GhostWalkers #15)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: GhostWalkers Series by Christine Feehan

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 140965 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 705(@200wpm)___ 564(@250wpm)___ 470(@300wpm)

He let her rinse and stack the dishes while he put everything else away. The champagne and ice bucket were set up by the bed. He put the cake there as well. It was small, but elaborate, the flowers peonies, just as he’d requested. He added more ice to the bucket and placed the flutes close.

Shylah sent him a small smile. She was standing by the closet where he’d stashed his present. She wore her heels and jewelry and nothing else.

“You look so damned hot, I don’t think we’re going to go very long before I’ve got to have you, woman.”

She ran her fingers over the rubies that lay on the curve of her breasts. “I’m all for that, because every time I look at you, my mouth waters. I love the way you taste. I love the way you feel inside me when we’re moving together. And I love you in my mouth, heavy on my tongue, my lips sliding over you, feeling the shape and texture of you. So, yeah, I’m really happy you find me hot and want me because I want you the same way.”

There it was. His woman. Laying it out for him. Giving him truth and making him feel like he was the luckiest man on earth. He moved past her to open the closet door, but as he went by, his hands lingered on her breasts, finding her nipples and tugging gently, rolling them for just a moment before he leaned down and drew the left one into his mouth.

She was delicious. That shiver that went through her. The way she cradled his head to her. The way she arched her back, giving him more. He spent a few minutes on her left breast and then gave the same intimate attention to her neglected right one.

He took her hand gently and slid her palm down her belly. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. She didn’t pull away when he continued the journey between her legs. He used her fingers to circle her clit and then curled them inside of her, dipping deep. When he pulled her hand free, he brought it to his mouth and sucked the liquid from every finger, taking his time, savoring her taste. All the while he looked into her eyes. Watching her watch him.

Her breath turned ragged. Her other hand cupped his balls, fingers gently stroking him as she watched him suck. “You’re so sexy, Draden. Everything about you. I love that you’re so responsive to me.”

His eyebrow shot up. “You do that, baby, not me. Your body’s wet and ready. I can scent your need.”

Her smile went wider. “Like a cat in permanent heat, maybe.”

“I can only hope.”

She bent to kiss his sac, running her tongue over him, her hair brushing his cock and making it swell all over again. He waited until she straightened before kissing her again. The rate we’re going, we’ll never be able to get to the present.

Will I love it? Feel intense gratitude? Need to show you that gratitude by allowing you to do whatever you want with the cake and champagne?

He hadn’t thought of that. His cock hardened into what felt like titanium. I believe you will love it that much.

She pulled back first, her lips curving into that quirky smile. “Bring it on, Draden. I’ve never had presents, and you’ve already given me more than I could possibly deserve, but I can’t wait to see what you’ve gotten for me for our wedding.”

He opened the door to the closet without another word. He wanted to see the look on her face when she opened it. “Sit on the bed, sweetheart.”

Shylah looked up at his face and then walked over to the bed in her high heels. He watched her walk away from him, her very firm and shapely ass moving suggestively. His heart thudded. His woman. She was going to kill him with her long-legged, ass-swaying, very elegant stride. Who would ever suspect she was lethal as hell?

She sank onto the bed and crossed her legs, swinging one foot while she looked at him expectantly.


Shylah pressed her lips together, more excited than she wanted to be. She didn’t want Draden to ever think she wanted gifts from him. She didn’t need them. The day had been—extraordinary. She had never, in her wildest imagination, ever considered that a man would look at her with an expression of adoration and love the way Draden looked at her. She couldn’t have dreamt in a million years the way it felt to have him touching her body, his hands, mouth and cock so worshipping, sending the most amazing sensations rushing through her body.

She wanted to experience that same feeling with him over and over. She knew there was so much more, and she couldn’t conceive of it, but she was more than willing to follow him wherever he led for as much time as they had together. And she was still hoping there would be a lifetime’s worth. She didn’t feel sick in the least. Tired, but that was to be expected with the way they had come together. Nothing would make her happier than to live a long, long life with the man she loved.


