Twist the Knife – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 132321 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

Jesus Christ, at this rate, I’ll have a PhD in patience when our lessons are finished.

The rush of running water comes from somewhere deeper in the apartment, then the bang of metal on metal. I tuck myself away and drag my body out of the chair. No sign of Margot yet. I walk over to the counter and finish my bottle of water.

“Did I do okay?” Margot returns wearing a rainbow-striped T-shirt.

I can’t stop picturing what’s underneath.

My brain processes her question. “Gold star. A-plus.”

Her whole face lights up and she presses her palms together. She glides over the hardwood floor almost like a ballerina. When she’s close enough, I pull her against me, wrapping my arms around her waist and settling my hands over the generous curve of her ass.

“You are really fucking good at that.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Except for the part where you ran away at the end.”

Her face falls.

Shit, I can’t stand her making her unhappy for even a second.

Tentatively, she lifts her head, meeting my eyes. “I thought I should clean up. What should I have done instead?”

“Kiss me.” I lean down and seal my mouth over hers. She squeaks in surprise then moans and drapes her arms around my neck.

After a minute, she pulls back. “Will you teach me to do that for you with my mouth, next?”

I groan with anticipation. “Fuck yes.”

A shy frown creases her face. “I don’t know if I can swallow, though.”

“Jesus Christ,” I groan. “Are you trying to get me hard again?”

“Is that possible?” She pulls back even farther to stare at my crotch.

“With you, yes.” I place a finger under her chin, tipping her head up. “Eyes up here.”

“So, I did okay? Nothing you think I should improve?” she asks.

Only because tonight’s made me realize how sensitive she is, do I put a muzzle on my inner sarcastic asshole and answer in an even tone. “Why, do you want to take notes?”

“Should I?”

Emptiness spreads through my chest. She’s only asking because she wants to wrap those perfect little hands around someone else’s dick in the future.

Who cares? I fuck women all the time who plan to fuck another member of my club as soon as they’re finished with me. Plenty of them badger me for a performance evaluation as they’re walking out the door, too. Why does it bug me so much coming from Margot? Especially when that was the entire point of tonight?

She steps back and twists her fingers together. “Can we talk about a few parameters for our lessons?”

Yes, by all means, let’s drive home the point that this is temporary. “Such as?”

“Um, I know this probably isn’t fair and I do understand that men have needs, but could you not…you know…sleep with anyone else while our class is in session?”

Should I be offended, amused, flattered, or irritated by her request? “That depends.”

“On what?”

I land on irritated, because I’ve been fucking my hand while thinking about Margot for weeks now. Not that I’d ever admit it to anyone. “How often are we having lessons?”

“Uh, as often as you think I need them? My schedule can be kind of hectic, then other times it’s dead.” A sly smile creeps across her lips.

I chuckle at the pun. “Funny girl.”

“I’ll defer to your schedule.”

“It changes from week to week. Really, I go where the club tells me I’m needed. Next week’s probably the laundromat down in Union. This weekend’s Crystal Ball to help out Dex.”

She frowns slightly at Crystal Ball.

Is she fucking serious? “What, you don’t want me to see other naked women during our arrangement either?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I don’t fuck the club’s employees if it makes you feel better,” I say with every bit of sarcasm in me this time.

“Okay.” She stares at me, waiting for an answer to her original question.

No more fucking muffler bunnies at the clubhouse. No more blow jobs in the back room of the laundromat. No more…fuck it. None of that appeals to me right now anyway. Not when I want to teach the woman standing in front of me how to fuck like the queen she is. “Yeah, okay.”

“Yeah, okay, what?” she presses.

Oh, you’re gonna make me say it, huh? “I won’t sleep with anyone else while we’re,” I wag one finger between the two of us, “doing whatever we’re doing here.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I ask you something, though?”


“Is it a health thing or a jealousy thing.” I’m such a dick for asking but I’m really curious about her answer.

Her eyes widen like a deer in the headlights, and she twists her fingers together. “Will you be mad if I say a little of both?”

“Why would that make me mad?”

“Well, you said you don’t do relationships. Admitting it might make me jealous if you’re…” She swallows hard like she can’t even say the words. “That might tread into relationship-y territory.” She slowly lifts her shoulders in an apologetic shrug.


