Twisted Emotions Read Online Cora Reilly (Camorra Chronicles #2)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Camorra Chronicles Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 111561 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 558(@200wpm)___ 446(@250wpm)___ 372(@300wpm)

He exhaled, and I repeated the motion, loving that I could break through Nino’s cold demeanor with such a small touch. It felt empowering. Exhilarating.

“How about we get rid of your shirt as well?” Nino murmured, hands reaching for the hem of my shirt. I raised myself up so he could pull it over my head.

His eyes traveled over my body, lingering on my breasts, and then his lips returned to mine as his fingers tugged at my nipple through the lace. He helped me out of my bra. Fingers and lips caressed my breasts, shoulders and stomach, as he left a burning need in their wake. Despite my body’s need, I froze when Nino reached for my panties. So far he’d touched me through the fabric. It gave me the illusion of safety.

I lifted my hips, and Nino took me up on my invitation, but his eyes remained on my face as he laid me bare to his eyes. His palm stroked my thigh then slowly up it, moving over the small patch of dark hair between my legs. I held my breath when his thumb touched my slick nub for the first time without a barrier. Arching up, I moaned.

His finger nimbly stroked my folds, but he never dipped between them. I wasn’t sure how good he was at reading me … if he understood that having his fingers so close to my entrance scratched the surface of painful memories. Nino moved to the end of bed and eased my ankles apart. I knew what he was about to do and tried to make my body relax.

He stretched out between my thighs, his tattooed biceps flexing as he parted me wide. My center clenched, followed by my thighs, when he lowered his gaze to my center.

“Fear?” he asked quietly, intently. I wasn’t afraid of that. He had never done that to me.

“Nerves,” I admitted.

“Of what?” His breath ghosted over my wet heat, and I trembled with anticipation, nerves, and need.

It was hard to explain. “I don’t know.”

He leaned forward. “This is going to be good for you, Kiara. Try to focus on my tongue and my lips. Don’t think about anything else.”

His breath fanned over my clit, and then his tongue slid over me lightly, dipping between my folds before it fluttered over my nub. I whimpered from the sensation.

“Good?” Nino asked against me, his voice deep and calm.

I nodded, my fingers digging into the bedsheets. Nino’s tongue did a small flutter again, and my muscles finally loosened. He eased my thighs farther apart with his shoulders and dragged his tongue down to my opening. I tensed briefly, and he moved back up quickly. Again, his tongue fluttered over my clit then over my folds before he dipped lower and repeated the same motion over my entrance. Intense pleasure coursed through me, and this time my body didn’t tense. Nino’s tongue flicked lightly over my opening then he twirled it around and increased the pressure, easing the tip into me. I released a surprised gasp.

He let out a low hum, which sounded like approval, and my eyes darted down to watch him. His gaze rested on my folds as he circled my opening with his tongue. He seemed to enjoy it, and that realization banished the last of my nerves. He flicked his tongue over my clit again, with light nudges and twirls, and then I could feel something building; tension tightened deep in my core, mounting with every lick and flick, until I shattered. I cried out, shuddering through my release.

Nino groaned against me, moving lower, and lapped at my entrance with slow strokes. My eyes widened as my walls clenched again under his ministrations.

“Ride it out,” he ordered in a low voice.

He began to use firm licks to heighten my pleasure again. It was incredible, impossible. This felt better than anything ever had.

“Nino,” I whimpered as he worked me with gentle care. “This feels so good.”

“Good,” he rasped against my folds, and I trembled at the sound. “I want you to come again for me, Kiara. Can you do this for me?”

“Yes,” I gasped out, and he flicked his tongue along my clit before he focused his attention on my entrance. He pressed his mouth firmly against me and his tongue entered me again. His tongue felt so good inside of me as he moved it slowly. His thumb found my clit, and he rubbed the same soft circles.

I bucked my hips restlessly, overwhelmed with the wondrous sensations. It was building even quicker this time, my flesh oversensitive but still eager for more. My hand flew down to Nino’s head, gripping his hair, and then I came even harder.

Nino’s fingers stroked my folds. “I’d like to put my finger in you.”

I met his gaze. His expression was calm, self-assured. I swallowed.


