Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

Kara felt her cheeks getting hot but there was no point in being embarrassed now, she told herself. After all, she and Raak had just done something that was usually reserved for people who were either bonded, or about to be bonded.

But thinking of that made her sad. Because she and Raak were never going to be able to bond.

“Thank you,” she said, trying to push her regret away. “For…for helping me. For healing me.”

He frowned. “Don’t know if I managed to heal you, exactly. I think only time will tell about that.”

Kara bit her lip. “You think it’ll come back? The essence, I mean? You think it’ll happen again?”

Raak looked serious.

“I hope not for your sake, baby girl. But I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“I guess,” Kara said hesitantly. “But I feel so much better now, Raak. So much…” She yawned suddenly. “Oh my, so much sleepier.”

He smiled at her.

“Not surprised, considering how hard you came. Of course you’re all tired out afterwards.”

“Will you hold me?” Kara held out her arms to him. “Can we just take a nap together, please? I…I feel better when I’m in your arms,” she confessed, though she knew she shouldn’t.

His dark eyes, which had been half-lidded with lust, went soft.

“Of course I’ll hold you, baby girl. I’d love to hold you.”

He climbed into the sleeping platform with her and pulled her close to his broad chest.

Kara sighed and snuggled closer, not even minding that both of them were nude. In the past such a sleeping arrangement might have felt dangerous. But she trusted Raak to do the right thing by her always and besides, it was so comforting to have his bare skin next to hers.

I’m better now, she told herself as she pillowed her head on his broad chest. All better. Raak cured me by sucking out the essence that had been flowing in and down and out the wrong way. I’ll never have to worry about it again.

That was what she thought, anyway…until the sharp, aching pains woke her again in the middle of the night.


“We can’t go on like this.” Raak ran a hand through his hair wearily. Not that he didn’t love going down on Kara—Seven Hells, he’d do it forever if he could. But the constant cycle of her need was wearing after a while, even for her.

Her tight little nipples were sore from him sucking them so much and her little clit was swollen and over-sensitized from the way he’d been licking her almost constantly for the past twenty-four hours.

It had been a non-stop marathon for the past day and night, Raak thought as he looked at her, lying panting on the bed from her last orgasm. Her hips had begun to twitch away from him, her body trying to protect itself from over-stimulation even though she needed to come to get over an “essence attack,” as he had started calling the episodes in his head.

No matter how gentle Raak tried to be when he sucked her nipples and lapped her pussy, those sensitive areas weren’t meant to be continuously stimulated over and over for hours on end. Yet there was no other way to ease Kara’s pain and need and she swore that the electrical shocks she got in her nipples and pussy were worse than the over-stimulation of those same areas when Raak licked and sucked her.

He was willing to keep on for as long as it took for her to get over the essence attacks but as time wore on, it became clear that they weren’t going to stop on their own. Kara needed help and he could only think of one place to find it.

“We need to go back to the Palace of the Unseen,” he told her. “Need to go back and see Qi again. Maybe he can undo all of this.”

“And make my fangs grow out again?” Kara looked near tears at the thought.

“What other choice do we have, baby girl?” Raak asked. Seeing her pale blue eyes swimming with tears, he gathered her close to his chest and held her.

Gods, how his heart ached to see her pain! He didn’t know why he was feeling the way he was for the sweet little female—he’d been around the galaxy and been with plenty of women but none of them had touched him like Kara. He wanted desperately to make her well—to help her through this crisis.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was falling in love with her, he told himself dryly.

But of course that was impossible. He had no soul and without one, it was impossible to fall in love or to bond—everyone knew that.

“I don’t want my fangs to grow out again,” Kara whispered against his chest.

Raak cuddled her close.

“I know you don’t, baby girl,” he murmured gently. “But if it’s a choice between visible fangs and feeling like you’re being electrocuted in your nipples and pussy all the time, which is better?”


