Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

And then he rasped in her ear,

“Gods, baby girl, wish I could make this last forever but you feel so good around me. Think I’m gonna come again soon—can you come for me first so I can feel your sweet little pussy squeezing all around me?”

“Y-yes, I th-think so,” Kara stuttered. She was, in fact, very close. She just needed a little something more to help push her over the edge.

As though reading her mind, Raak moved his hand from her hip and then she felt the broad pad of his thumb come in contact with her swollen clit.

“Oh, oh—yes!” Kara threw back her head as Raak rubbed her sensitive bud while he continued to thrust inside her. “Oh Goddess, Raak—right there! Touch me right there and don’t stop!”

“Right here, you mean, baby girl?”

He rubbed hard, one more time over her aching bud and then Kara found herself flying. The orgasm seemed to give her wings this time and she felt herself rushing upwards on a wave of pleasure that seemed designed to make her lose all control.

“Raak,” she moaned breathlessly. “Raak, I’m coming—you’re making me come so hard.”

“You’re about to make me come too,” he growled hungrily. “Gods, baby girl—I can feel your sweet little pussy squeezing me—it’s like you’re milking the seed right out of me!”

“Come in me,” Kara begged him. “Come in me now, Raak—fill me up. Make me yours.”

“Only if you make me yours at the same time, baby,” he rasped. “Come on—bite me while I come in you. Claim me while I Claim you…while we Claim each other.”

Kara didn’t even think twice about it. Biting him was exactly what she wanted to do—what every instinct she possessed told her was the right thing to do.

As she felt the first hot spurt of his seed filling her pussy, she leaned over and sank her fangs deep into the side of his neck.


For a moment the feeling of pleasure and connection was almost more than Raak could bear. He had already been coming when she bit him but when the massive rush of essence hit his bloodstream, his body jumped to attention and redoubled its efforts. He felt himself spurting inside her even harder, as though his shaft was trying to fill her with as much of his seed as possible before it was too late.

Too late, he thought deliriously. Never too late. Gods, baby, love you so damn much…

And then the pleasure peaked even higher as Kara’s essence continued to fill him and he began to go into overload.

Too much, he thought dimly as his heart pounded harder and harder and a second, even stronger orgasm was forced from him. Too much, too good, can’t stand it…

And yet he made no attempt to push her away as she continued to pump him full of her essence. It was the only way, he knew, to get it flowing the right way—to save her life. And if that meant giving up his own, well, so be it.

“Kara,” he whispered hoarsely, wrapping his arms around her as he gave himself to her completely. “Gods, baby, I love you. Always remember that—remember I love you.”

And then the pleasure ebbed—everything ebbed—his vision was beginning to turn gray around the edges. He became aware that his arms were losing their grip around her hips and his body was slumping backwards. He tried to stay upright, but he could feel himself sliding down the headboard, his limbs loose and disjointed. Only his shaft remained awake and alive, valiantly filling her with his seed until the very last, as though determined to Claim her completely, no matter what.

Then even that gave out and Raak felt his heart give a final thump…and stop.

When it did, the world went from gray to black and then he knew no more.


“Raak? Raak, are you okay? Raak, what’s wrong?”

It was Kara’s voice, Raak thought, only it seemed like it was coming from far away—from somewhere below him somehow.

He opened his eyes and looked down…to see himself lying on the bed with Kara still sitting on top of him. There was a look of worry on her face as she patted his cheek.

“Did you faint?” Raak heard her say. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine,” he tried to say, but his lips didn’t move—Raak could see that from where he was, floating somewhere near the ceiling.

Wait a minute—why could he see his own lips? It also occurred to him to wonder why he was looking down on himself. How could he be two places at once—on the bed and floating near the ceiling? It shouldn’t be possible, right? What was going on?

“You died, Warrior—that’s what’s going on. You gave your life for the woman you love.”

Raak started in surprise. He knew that voice! It was the same strong, feminine voice which had roused him from sleep that night on Tranq Prime when Kara was in danger. The same one that had told him he had to get up and save her at once before irreparable damage could be done.


