Until Hanna (Until Her #9) Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Until Her Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81182 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“Move out of my way before I start to scream.”


“Now, Benjamin.” I stare at him, and he stares back, before he lets out a long, put-out sigh and steps aside. Moving past him, I leave the coffee shop and go to the women's restroom, where I know I’ll be safe from running into him again, and I close myself in one of the stalls.

As I stand there in the confines of the small space, I try to figure out what it is I’m feeling, and it doesn’t take me long to settle on rage. I’m not sad, and there are none of those old feelings of hurt I felt months ago. No, I’m angry, angry for myself and every other woman he lied to, especially when he obviously feels like his actions can be easily explained away and maybe even forgiven with a conversation. I just hope his wife and the other women he was seeing are not stupid enough to fall for his BS.

Once I know I’ve gotten myself together, I leave the stall, wash my hands, and touch up my makeup, since my lipstick came off while I was drinking coffee, then I walk out to my gate. Since the plane arrived while I was in the restroom, I check in with the desk and head down the walkway.

The moment I step onto the plane, Douglas steps out of the cockpit and greets me with a smile that flounders as his gaze roams over my face. “What happened?”

“I ran into Ben,” I say quietly, tucking my bag away in the stewardess closet.

“Did you speak with him?”

“He wanted to talk. I didn’t want to listen.”

His look turns hard. “I told you before that you need to turn him in.”

“You know doing that will likely only cause problems for me. I’m here on a work visa that can be taken away in an instant, especially if he claims I knew he was married and the airline sides with him.”

“You didn’t know,” he growls, his face turning red.

“I know,” I agree softly. “But it would be his word against mine, and unless his wife has said something about his affair to his boss or someone else, they won't take me seriously. They might even claim I’m being vindictive and trying to ruin him. It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”


“Douglas, you know I’m right. Just think about it. There is nothing the airline will do. They don’t care about cheating. If they fired every single person who’s ever had an affair, they would only be left with a handful of pilots and air hostesses.”

His jaw gets tight. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it, he knows I’m right. Cheating in this industry is as frequent as going to the bathroom. Especially when you work international flights, where you have to be away from home on a regular basis.

Heck, I’ve heard rumors that a couple of pilots for my current airline have whole other families they maintain in different countries, because the wives don’t know about each other and likely never will. It makes me sick, thinking about the kids they have, who will have to deal with that situation when the truth eventually comes out. But it could be years and years before that happens. And since the airlines won’t do much or anything at all, these men are allowed to continue what they’re doing.

And no, I’m not being sexist by saying “men,” because it’s only ever them who are able to live a double life. A woman would have a very difficult time hiding a pregnancy for nine months or explaining what happened to the baby she was pregnant with.

“You should have let me kick his arse,” he bites out, and I shake my head.

“Blair would kill you if you got into a fight.”

“You obviously don’t know my wee wife very well, lass. She would have been cheering me on as I wiped the floor with him.”

“Well, there will be no wiping the floor with anyone,” I say quietly, then turn to Ria when she steps onto the plane. “Hey.” I plaster a smile on my face, and she bends down, giving me an air kiss on each of my cheeks.

“I was so happy when I saw you were going to be with me today.”

“Me too.” I open the closet back up so she can stow her bag, while Douglas steps back into the cockpit after giving me a look that says we will talk later. “How have you been? I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in ages.”

“I’m sorry I’m such a shit friend. I thought I was ready to leave Hanson and start back to work, but after this last month, I’m not so sure if I can juggle motherhood, being a wife, working, and keeping sane.”


